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Well I'm back in the getting started in MA section again! Having greatly enjoyed studying JKD and sumo for a while I have now moved to the North East of England where the nearest JKD school is about 2 hours away. In fact the nearest ma school of any description is about an hour away. I have lost physical condition while backpacking around the USA on the Greyhoud for two months (incidentally, thats a beautiful, wonderful country you have there, filled with some warm, friendly people- loved every second of my time out there), so I'm basically starting from scratch.

I am now working a very demanding job (both time wise and sometimes physically), and the access to where I live is rubbish, so I'm not going to be able to go out trying new styles every night like I did last time. I have new found respect for all those of you working long hours and still dedicating time to your training! Anyway, I was hoping you might be able to help me narrow down the options I have here, considering the fact that I really enjoyed JKD and Sumo. I will list what I have found in the order of how near to me they are!





Various other Karate styles

Freestyle Jujitsu (For a better description go to this site.


So those are my options. I enjoyed the fact that I left my JKD classes feeling like I had actually developed as a fighter after every session, and was learning practical techniques. Sumo was just great fun, and I enjoyed being able to "fight" someone without holding back yet not getting hurt (much)!

Sorry for the long post, good to be back!

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Well I see nobody has responded yet, so I will. I did boxing for a few months and you really need to be dedicated. It's very tough training, plus coaches tend to want to train those who really are enthusiastic and want to compete thus neglecting you. Hapkido is a korean art where wristlocks and kicks are used often. I wanted to try it but never did (perhaps the video out there where a gracie cleanly beats a Hapkido practitioner repeatedly did not help - although the gracies did this to so many styles). kyokushin Karate I have never tried but would like to. Is phyically demanding since punches to the body are tolerated (not to the head) increasing toughness. This is Goerges St-Pierre core art (can't be that bad!). Ninjitsu I know nothing about. However I have heard that there are a lot of wannabes in this ninja style so I'd be careful. As for various other karate styles I don't know. Fencing I know nothing about. I believe it is sword fighting no? The one I would personally choose would be the free style jujitsu class. It looks like an MMA dojo so self-defense practibility is surely high. Hope this helps.

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You have some good choices there, but you should take a quick look at each of the schools, to see what they exactly have to offer. That is how I would approach it.

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I think that many times people get caught up with a certain Art, due to exposure, previous experiences, or some other reasons. Although going to what you are familiar with is good and comfortable, it is always worthwhile to explore other options, to see who and what is available out there.

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