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On 2001-06-19 19:10, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


So if you feel that is wrong..I am very sorry.


I did not say it was wrong. I merely stated my own opinion based upon my own understanding of what I too have been told by elders and what I have researched.


On 2001-06-19 19:10, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


I am sorry if you consider the info wrong. IMHO, i had to take the info from the practioners as fact of them knowing their on history...to do otherwise...would have been disrespectful.


You are correct. At the time of your study, it would have been disrespectful to have questioned; especially in Asia. Yet there are many ways to broaden young, and old, minds alike. One of which is to do the research ourselves in the interest of gaining better understanding and not to point out a flaw.:smile:


On 2001-06-19 19:10, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


Since you have more history than I do...I will not offer any more of what I was told.


As I had stated to everyone:


"Remember that 'paper does not refuse ink' and so the web does not refuse typing. Do not take what I or Tae-san state as absolute. Do your own study. Come to know and understand yourself better through diligent disciplined practice. Read everything you can, make notes, and compare. Understand that some of your sources may be biased by their own education. Challenge your teachers, respectfully, in the interest of learning all that you can from them.";)


I am merely expressing other information that can be easily found to those who wish to find it. The most challenging things for my Father (Soke/Founder of Heiwa-Ryu) early in his own study was to realize that some of his own Karate instructors did not know everything and that there was research to be done and travels to be experienced.


As a Founder of your own system, I would expect that you have done the same in order to achieve what you have.








John E. Doub, Jr.


Heiwa-Ryu Martial Arts Academy






[ This Message was edited by: jdoub on 2001-06-19 20:56 ]

John E. Doub, Jr.

Heiwa-Ryu Martial Arts Academy



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I think you took part of that the wrong way.


One my study was done and is still going one..and two..I just menat that if I had know I could come to you for some of it..I wouldn't have wasted the money for tickest.s LOL :smile:)


It took me two to three years just to hunt everyone down.


I have found the most differences so far in Tang Soo Do. But who knows after 37 yrs...nothing surprises me any more.....LOL we could wake up in the morning..and all be wrong. :smile:




Tae :grin:


P.S. I was not being disrespectful..sorry if you took it that way.


I and still doing it..The study was half way complete last year.





Kyoshi Deborah R. Williams 7th Dan

Founder/Senoir Instructor Tae Su Jutsu

Board member International Martial arts Association.

"Before destruction one's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honor."

Proverbs 18:12

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On 2001-06-19 22:20, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


I think you took part of that the wrong way.


That is the disadvantage of the web; it is hard to understand intent and to know the heart of a person. :wink: Nothing to take the wrong way!!

On 2001-06-19 22:20, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


...I just meant that if I had know I could come to you for some of it...


LOL - I am still enjoying the research and exploration. I am in no way the holder of the "keys," but just someone who may be a page or two ahead in one book only to behind everyone else in another. :grin:

On 2001-06-19 22:20, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


I have found the most differences so far in Tang Soo Do. But who knows after 37 yrs...nothing surprises me any more.....LOL we could wake up in the morning..and all be wrong.


Onegai shimasu!! I am sure that many things are possible. I too have found it interesting that some of the Okinawan Martial Artists called what they practiced Karate-Do (meaning Chinese Hand/Fist Way) and some of the Korean Martial Artist called what they practiced Tang Soo Do (meaning Chinese Hand/Fist Way). The links are there, it is just a challenge to sift through the names, places, and periods.

On 2001-06-19 22:20, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


I was not being disrespectful..sorry if you took it that way.


I did not take anything you have said to be disrespectful; I am sorry for my brevity in postings. :grin:

On 2001-06-19 22:20, Taesujutsudrw wrote:


I and still doing it..The study was half way complete last year.


Gamabatte!! It sounds as though you have nearly reached your goal. Good luck...





John E. Doub, Jr.

Heiwa-Ryu Martial Arts Academy



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It was me, I invented it, not short-dog. I'm the MASTER!! HAI YAHH!!! I'm 54-degree black-belt in it.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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ok short dog..maybe you need your own special section for your JU-JETSU. :brow: :???:




rushman (taekwondo moderator)


3rd dan






This Message was edited by: iamrushman on Jul 17, 2001 10:50pm

rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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Ok, I did my research a long time ago and J.J Is frist invented by the chinese and it is part of kung fu. Of course, other country has other fighting but J.J is the frist in China.


India is resposable for yoga and chi,


Japan for karate


Keora for tea kwon do

"Don't think!! Feel..."

-Bruce Lee


This site is dumb but I made it so it is good.

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The history of martial arts is lost in mystery and legend. No one truly knows where and when Jujitsu originated from. The Chinese will say it came from Kung Fu, just like the Chinese say all martial arts come from China. Fact is, Jujitsu probably originated from necessity in Japan in order to teach people how to fight more efficiently for the environment. Really, who cares where it came from? Pick your martial art to fit your personality, this is where you exercise self-expression in the martial art.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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with humble respects:


history plays a large role in life..........without history none of us would be here or have a future. :idea:


we all will be history sooner or later. :nod:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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Yes that is true. But Proven histroy has the frist recoded wrestling/ j.j in painting in china and sholin has j.j things. But really, 90 percent of art came from China which speard like hell across the word.


2000 men and women form china about 3000 thousand years ago to go find the medicen that will make you life forever for the king but once that found Japan, they stayed and never came back. The chinese and the native Japanese lived together. So is thai land where the chinese whet.


We can say that kung fu is the grand father of all fighting arts.

"Don't think!! Feel..."

-Bruce Lee


This site is dumb but I made it so it is good.

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