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Any one know about this style of Karate?


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Does anyone know about this style, Hakutsuru Fukasa-Ryu Karate or "Profound White Crane Empty-Handed Art". It is supposed to have a lot of Crane in it and it is from Okinawa(maybe it is more like Crane Kung Fu) . I was thinking it is related to Go Ju Ryu, but just finding out about the style, I heard they don't do Sanchin (which I believe is a core Go Ju Ryu Kata). Well if anyone knows what the style is like, please let me know.

Jay Johnson

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  • 4 weeks later...

there is a dojo here in ky which teaches the style you have mentioned. the material looks okinawan yet i also have suspisions about the authenticity. no one i have spoken to outside that particular dojo has ever heard of it before and that includes those i spoke to while visiting japan which seem a little strange. another comment here that i agreed with is the style looks to be a mixture of some kind.

although some people downplay the importance of lineage one distinct trait is that sometimes a reliable source can help sort out frauds in the martial arts. there are hundreds if not more stlyes that have been thrown together so id recommend student beware. although im not suggesting fraud in this case might not hurt to do some research first.

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This style, in name anyhow, does not exist in Okinawa. He may have taken parts of Okinawan styles to create this, but there is no direct lineage as a system.

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  • 1 month later...

I've heard of Hakutsuru in general. White crane stuff. From what little I know of it, the material is valid. I don't know about the site everyone's looking at, haven't checked. It may or may not be valid. I am fairly certain that hakutsuru is a system in part or in whole.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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I havent heard of it ,maybe somebody found an ancient text and started the ultimate stlye and thats your club-thats happened before mention no names.I think your best off trying it ,give it a go it might be good .Let me know it if is.

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