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Where can I buy a wooden dummy?

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Hi all. Atm im not doing kung fu, but I would still like the rotateable wooden dummy to practice my blocking skills (since my brother is reluctant to train with me, he's lost complete interest in MA). My problem is, I'm living in Australia and I have NO CLUE where to buy one, either online or physically. Any help? =P thanks in advance.

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Here are a link to a site you can buy from in Australia:


You will find most dummies are fairly pricey, if you are a little bit creative you can construct your own makeshift dummy.

If you have a large pole at you house that can be drilled into without effecting the structural integrity of the building, you can drill half way into the pole at around shoulder/head height, then insert a rod(metal or wood) about arms length into the hole. I have done this at my house and it works fine, if you want to add more arms and legs then just drill more holes.

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  • 1 year later...

I saw one online but it was priced at $599. Yikes! :o I didn't realize they were THAT expensive. I'd love to surprise my husband with one of these as a gift (of course, I would use it too :P )

Does anyone know of any U.S. suppliers that are somewhat less than $599. ? :-?

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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Tiger, would you be interested in an alternative?

The WaveMaster Powerline (less expensive when bought from Century than Asian World of Martial Arts) can take additions.

AWMA offers a "Double Strong Arm" (item #81324), like the two arms at the top of the Wing Chun dummy, "Strong Arm" (item #81302 and 81304, depending on length desired) that's the middle arm of the dummy, and "Strong-Leg" (item #81322) as the leg of the Wing Chun dummy.

I don't know if you have a WaveMaster Powerline already, but these additions are removable, so the WaveMaster can be used as originally intended, or what you customize it with.

AWMA even has a 30% off coupon for online orders only, by entering promo code HC on the online order form.

You might want to check out Century and AWMA to see if this would be acceptable, especially with the discount code from AWMA.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Yes, I do have a wavemaster. Interesting that they have something like that and it's a lot more reasonable than the wooden Wing Chun version.

I'll have to find a way to nonchalantly see if he would like this version.

Thanks for posting that.

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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I am not a kung fu guy either, however, I found a dummy like this extremely helpful when I was working on learining trapping.

I built one out of a large wooden post that had once been some sort of pole light. We built a base out of 2x4 and 2x2 and maybe a couple of lengths of 4x4 that was designed to be relitively out of the way of foot work, it was moderatly successful. I think I would change the design somewhat if I ever built one again.

Now we had a standing pole in one corner of our house. Then we took a spade bit and drilled out several holes around the circumfrance to simulate angles of strikes. These were filled with length of heavy dow. They were glued into place and further duct taped in with enough tape to run a hardware store dry. It worked real well.

Additionally, I drew in a pair of eyes up top to throw gouges on. Lastly, I taped thin foam, like camp mats, to several small areas around the trunk to serve as focal points for strikes.

I learned alot with that dummy, which we affectionately dubbed the "uke-san". Like I said, I'd do it a bit differently now. Heck, now that I'm sitting around recalling the details it makes me wnat to build another. Maybe when phase two of my basement facility expansion goes off.

Oh yeah, the total cost of this guy was well under 50 bucks. Granted the post was a "donated" item. I'd say you could get something similar at a landscaping place and still come in well under 100.

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My husband has said he'd like to build one, but finding the time to do that is an issue and of course, its so nice to just have one there - bam! - and already made. The wood kind is so nice too.

It's so great that you built one and got a lot of use out of it. Even more awesome that it was under $50.00 - FANTASTIC !!! :) :)

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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