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kidknapping and carjacking

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I've been possed and interesting quesion by one of my students. They wanted to know what they should do if they have been subdued knocked unconcious and find themselves tied up in by their aggressor. I honestly have never thought past making sure I never get in this type of situation so I'm clueless :-? . does any body out there ever thought about this senerio and have some suggestions?

Also as a side question what would you do in the case of an attempted car jacking?

Tang Soo!

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I've been possed and interesting quesion by one of my students. They wanted to know what they should do if they have been subdued knocked unconcious and find themselves tied up in by their aggressor. I honestly have never thought past making sure I never get in this type of situation so I'm clueless :-? . does any body out there ever thought about this senerio and have some suggestions?

Also as a side question what would you do in the case of an attempted car jacking?

Hello, If tied up in the car's trunk and it is moving? Try kicking the rear lights out if you can move your legs. Hopefully someone following will see and call the police. (not all cars you can do this with).

Everyone should try to untied themselves to escape..RULE ONE 1 ...escape

If tied up next to driver if in a crowd street...try to move your body to cause driver to crash! You want attention here by outsiders.

NO two situtions will be the same...try to keep calm & think of ways to escape, try to untied one self, try finding things around you for weapons.

Tied up is a very BAD sitution to be in....try to be calm..think how you can get away or escape or fight back if can?

One can use there teeth to bite if this available at the right time and place..remember that movie of the paralized guy who got the bad guy come close to him by fooling him by talking soft...he bite his throat.


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The key here is prevention. As you will know, not every situation has an answer. It's important to ensure that you do not get into this situation in the first place.

If you do happen to find yourself in this situation then there are all sorts of things you have available to you, power of negotiation, mobile phone, voice, flexibility to get out of the ropes (hopefully) etc.

There is no definate answer to this one....

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I've been possed and interesting quesion by one of my students. They wanted to know what they should do if they have been subdued knocked unconcious and find themselves tied up in by their aggressor. I honestly have never thought past making sure I never get in this type of situation so I'm clueless :-? . does any body out there ever thought about this senerio and have some suggestions?

Firstly its important to understand what the person wants from you. Are they holding you so they can get money from your family(implies they likely are not really intent on hurting/killing you). Are they are serial killer and your the next victim? Talking to the person can help you find out all these things. A simple "what do you want from me?" will put alot of things into perspective and help you better understand the situation. From there your tactics will depend on the specifics of the situation.

Also as a side question what would you do in the case of an attempted car jacking?

Depends how much of an "attempt" it is, if they have a gun and you cant drive away immediately, then getting out of the car is the first thing you should be doing. Being seated inside a car while there is a person pointing a gun at you from outside is not a great spot to be. Try to give them what they want first. Hopefully you have car insurance. Fighting back should only be considered once you have given them what they want and they are still not leaving, or want to take you with them. Leaving to go to a secondary location with the attacker is a bad idea because thats usually where they find the bodies.

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I heard somewhere that when you are being tied up (and are concious), you should try to grip all your muscles and make them bulge. That way when you relax there is a little bit of slack. Apparently Houdini used to do it. Sweating also is supposed to make it easier to escape.

As much as I love my car, I would probably hand it over if someone was pointing a gun at me. I value my life too much to risk it over something my insurance will cover.

I agree with Cross about getting out of the car, there's too little space to face a possible attacker and you want to have the opportunity to run if you need it.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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