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really? i was born in tupelo :wink: i still have family there.




360 is a very funny girl :wink: chachachacha. it just comes down to strength, i dont honestly believe a girl could fully implement an armbar or anyother submissions technique on me :wink: ive had 300 pound guys not beable to get extension on my arm :wink:

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ZakariRu, stop being rude and just please don't post unless you have something useful to say. Grappling is not useless, and saying that you have trained in grappling arts prove nothing... Another thing, I'm sure there are plenty of girls that can beat you and your ignorant sexist mind... But then I guess it's best that you don't fight them because it might hurt your fragile tough-guy-ego...~gasp~ Oh no...!




[ This Message was edited by: Hiya on 2002-07-24 00:10 ]

It is only with the heart that one can see clearly, for the most essential things are invisible to the eye.

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Hey guys, if you haven't noticed already, Zakiru is just a huge troll. He'll make any ridiculous claim he thinks will get up your goat, even if it contradicts something he's said earlier. He posts brief generalizations which are never backed up with any evidence or logic, and twists them to keep up the charade. You cannot debate reasonably with him.


Personally, I think you should just send Debi Purcell to deal with him.



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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On 2002-07-23 22:11, Tapout wrote:


ZakariRu... PLZ explain how grappling is useless? Cause I have been training in Sambo for years and would like to know how useless it is?

Prolong grappling just isnt practical :wink: too many problems in a self defense situation. joint manipulations and throws that leave you standing are just fine :wink: any of the throws/locks from aikido or shornji kempo are decent, and alot of the jj/judo throws that arent sacrifice throws.


As for nhb being the closest thing to a real fight? Ill simulate a real fight for you, ill creap up behind you and shoot you in the back of the head for 20 feetback/or my personal favorite hit you on the back of the head with a bear bottle after you insult my trolling.....


EVerything i say is usefull, as nothing is truely useless unless you fail to use it.....


And i was agreeing with tiger :wink:


And its not sexist to say that women are physically inferrior to men. its just the truth.


No one would care if i said women develope faster in striking martial arts based mainly on body mechanics comprehension and flexability :wink:



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"As for nhb being the closest thing to a real fight? Ill simulate a real fight for you, ill creap up behind you and shoot you in the back of the head for 20 feetback/or my personal favorite hit you on the back of the head with a bear bottle after you insult my trolling....."


ZakariRu you are a VERY confused person, if you get shoot in the head it's murder not fighting or self-defense, and if you were to get hit in the head with a beer bottle (trust me, I know the SOAR feeling) the fight will not end their, you turn around drop the guy and it's all "ground and pound" after that.


NHB or MMA is REAL FIGHTING in the sense of hand-to-hand combat. I bet if you ZakariRu had a choice to fight a guy with a beer bottle in his hand or an empty handed NHB fighter you would chose the guy with a beer bottle in his hand (right!) Why would you chose the beer bottle guy... simple because, you know the NHB fighter knows how to fight, he can take a punch or kick and smile right back at you, also if he or she feels you are stronger then them on your feet then they will take you down to break a body part (not summit you because submission is only for sport not real life) or "ground and pound" on your face.


I myself am a NHB fighter in Ontario, Canada and I know what I'm talking about since I train and support the sport (NHB).


Prolong grappling is not practical? WHAT? HELLO? Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, Marco Ruas, Don Frye, Mario Sperry, Rodrigo Nogueira, Kazushi Sakuraba tell these guys grappling is not practical and they'll get you in a arm bar faster then you can blink! If it's not practical then PLZ enter a NHB competition because it's is VERY obvious you have NEVER entered one.


How is it not practical in self-defense? WHAT?Cause the way I see it is if your wife or girlfriend is being raped, how will she defend herself without knowing grappling? How will she get the guy off of her? How will she throw or take the guy down when she gets grabbed by him?


Also what will you do If a guy gabs you in a bar and is ready to pound you, if you don't know how to throw the guy or to drop him to the ground your gonna get messed up. What if you get on the ground and his pounding away at you, then What?






Tapout or pass out, it dosen't matter to me!


[ This Message was edited by: Tapout on 2002-07-24 10:43 ]


[ This Message was edited by: Tapout on 2002-07-24 11:32 ]

Tapout or pass out, it dosen't matter to me!

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ZakariRu,......that is not a fight, ok.....There is a difference between a self-defense situation and a fight. TRUE a self-defense situation wouldn't won't to be taken to the ground if possible. But a fight is different. A fight is a challenge "I PUT MY DUKES UP AND YOU PUT YOURS UP", between 2 people.


How many people have you knocked out? Not many if any I would guess. On the other hand, I have put people to sleep with CHOKES.


I'm not discrediting stand up fighting"AS YOU ARE GROUND FIGHING", In fact, I was the one that said, you have to know both to be a complete fighter.


SO TO SUM IT ALL UP, Get your facts straight on self-defence and fighting aspects.


And you can still come see me in MISSISSIPPI and see if grappling works after all.


Also, how is STRIKING MORE PRACTICAL THAN GRAPPLING when you are shot from 20 feet away or when you are hit in the back of the head with a beer bottle??????????



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