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Ummm Tiger, you do talk some rubbish. Soft arts are about Ki, Chi or Qi. Redirection is important, but not the central priniciple. I have a friend that studys Chi Kung, they do very little redirection. Its all about focusing Ki to a point in the body, the exercise I saw it was in the ankle, then returning the energy back through the opponent. I think really that all you know about martial arts is what you string together from this chat room. So please READ something, that has some good founding.




Try here for Wing Chun, this site associated with the Wing Chun Grand Master William Cheung.


"Elbows to the face, no that cant hurt!" Soft martial arts use such strikes they are called Atemi in Aikido. Soft martial arts punchs are said to be more potent than that of a hard practioner ( frankly I would rather not be on the end of either).


Hard=elbows to face. So that is your diffenition of a hard martial art. And you are not really an authority in soft martial arts, or hard ones for that matter.




:lol: but your best comment yet is


Soft= Someone punches, you move out of the way and miss direct his punch with a soft block.


A soft block, like a soft punch and a soft lock. You are a real comedian!


Be Well



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Kensai I was giving an example of a soft Martial Art technique which is kind of the principles in Wado Ryu. A hard technique would be to hurt the oppenant, and yes I have been doing quite a bit in hard martial arts. I have done full contact karate from the age of seven to ten, and have been doing boxing since twelve up to about a few months ago when I decided to start kickboxing. Plus when I was young I always got into scrapes with the older kids so dont tell me what I dont know what hard is.


A soft and a hard martial art can be intepretted in many ways. From what I have learnt, from books, actually talking to experianced martial artists I have kind of got the message that basically that a hard technique would be to inflict your own strengh on the oppenant, and a soft way would be to inflict less violant technique where you can resist an oppenant without inflicting damage, by using his/her strenghs against them selves.


So how am I wrong. i know from experiance through actually trying to talking to you that it is immposible for you to agree with me that hard is to hurt an oppenant and soft uses the oppenants strengh against them selves.


Wing Chun combines both soft and hard techniques, but from how I have seen it, it appears very aggresive in its technique rather than using its softer techniques. Thats how I have seen it. I have only seen from about five or six videos clips that it only appears aggresive, and yes Kensai I did my homework and found out that Wing Chun combines both soft and hard. But in the fights that I have seen I have only seen hard techniques.


Can you see a little bit of my point without picking peices out of each and every single post I make?


Oh I havn't even been in the chat room.



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A soft block, yeah thats funny. :roll:


A soft block is also desighned not to hurt the oppenant, a block with your open hand, blocking it with your palm.


A hard block would be that of a upper rising block for example, where you hurt the person.


These are examples.


I'l find some FACT for you Kensai.



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I am sorry, but when talking to a martial arts chat room dont expect everyone to agree with you. :eek:


Nor am I picking your posts to piece's, I am just giving you my point of view. I am very sorry if you can handle that. By a soft block I assume you mean an "evasion" like a side step. As a block by definition is in intercept something, prohibiting its intensions, so a soft block, that does not equal or exceed the speed and power of a punch or a kick will not block it.


Also, one last point just because you have been in fights and a black belt sence whatever age, are you of the maturity to understand the true meanings of the martial art terms of hard and soft? Surely that if you sanction fighting then you do not. As you should know that the first principle of shotokan karate, is that there is NO first attack. If you were bullied then fair enough, I am sorry to hear that as I know what it is like, but because you have DOES NOT mean you UNDERSTAND hard martial arts. They cant be summed up in a paragraph and in some cases whole books have been written about them.


How are you finding Shotokan?


When are you expecting your grading?


Be Well



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oh, blocks with the open palm can be very deadly, in the upper levels of any soft martial art they can seriously hurt a person. Soft martial arts are not about not hurting a person, they just approch self defence from a different angle.


By a rising block I assume you mean an "Ageuki". Yes they can be used to a great degree to hurt ones opponent, as long as the bones structure of your arm is larger than that of Uke (Attacker). I would never trust a block went infront of my face like that, simply that if the punch is slowed or accerate, either they will punch your arm before it is fully extended in which case your own fist will smash you in your face, or the block will be up and the punch will sail into your face. I would personally, use "uchiuke" simply because less can go wrong and it can be aimed at Jodan level. Sorry just got side tracked, also behaps a side step would be better than a block.


Be Well



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Eye Of The Tiger, you're very amusing, you've contradicted yourself numberous times and get upset when people point it out.


I'm going with Kensai on this one, what comes out of your mouth is garbage. Hmm, garbage in, garbage out applies here don't you think ?


You stated karate was an aggressive MA, now you've given up on that stance and taken to it being a hard art. 'Hard is where you use your strength against the opponent to hurt them' - I thought just about all arts would require their practioners to use some strength, technique requires the use of muscles, some techniques are just more efficient. From what I have seen, there is no magical art where the practioner can just stand there and hurt the opponent without touching him. I suppose we could conclude that all arts are hard then ?


I will take your definition of hard and soft as what you take them to mean. If you think grappling is useless because it's not a hard art, you're wrong. What do you define grappling as ? Hard, or soft ? It requires minimal strength exertion on your behalf, rolling for 30min is no big deal compared to 30min of kicking and punching. Yet, the submission holds are so effective and devestating. Someone slaps an arm bar on you, then cranks it, hyper-extending the elbow, that's gonna hurt. Think many people will fight after their elbow has been hyper-extended ? By the same token, I could apply a choke on someone - cutting off the flow of blood to the brain, leave them in peace and walk away. Both are effective ways to end the fight, one takes the definition of 'hard', the other takes the definition of 'soft'. What do you class grappling as ? Is it hard and soft like wing chun too ?




It depends purely on the practioner. I can choke someone out, walk away, or I can choke someone out and continue holding the choke on them until I've held it long enough for them to have brain damage. Not so soft now is it ?


If you're going to make a post, PLEASE try and sustain the logic and don't contradict yourself.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Soft= Someone punches, you move out of the way and miss direct his punch with a soft block.


A soft block, like a soft punch and a soft lock. You are a real comedian!


Be Well


ROFL, Kensai, I'm just gonna apply a soft arm bar on you, okay ? =p



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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On 2002-07-20 17:08, Eye of the Tiger wrote:


A soft block, yeah thats funny. :roll:


A soft block is also desighned not to hurt the oppenant, a block with your open hand, blocking it with your palm.


A hard block would be that of a upper rising block for example, where you hurt the person.


These are examples.


I'l find some FACT for you Kensai.

i saw a rising block in a tournament once. ONCE.


and you!!!


To anyone who says grappling is worthless look at NHB fights. These are the closest to real combat as possible. So do a little investigating before speaking.


NHB fights are worthless.


maybe UFC I but nothing sense. Too many damn rules.


oh did i mention Grappling is useless? (only in self defense)

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First of all I have not contridicted my self. Hard for me is the same as aggresive.


No Kensai I have never been bulled. I said I had a lot of fights when I was young. I dont really see how I am speaking utter garbage by trying to define an aggresive martial art and a soft.


I have not changed the subject I have merley used hard as aggresive, which as far as I know it is.


Kensai I merley pointed out that you cant make a single post without picking bits out and trying to find some flaw in them, which isn't really a big deal as you make it to be.


My first grading is in 3 months Kensai.



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