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Did I say karate was the best Martial Art? NO.


An aggresive way of fighting is such arts like Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Shotokan, Boxing.


This does not mean I am really angry, just like a person that does a soft style of Martial Arts isn't neccesrelly soft. And Bon thats what I was talking about being ignorant in a know it all way, when I started at this forum and knew to all the Martial Arts apart from Karate so I did tend to be a bit Biased to thinking things like which Martial Arts is better than the other, things that pretty much everyone on this forums has made when they first join.



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Wing Chun, again you make these bold assuptions, assuming that the rest of us know nothing about martial arts. Wing Chun.... read books by William Cheung and Ip Man. Aggresive. I know it seems like we are all picking on you, but when you make these wild young statements, then expect someone to pick you up on them. Wing Chun, does strike thats very true, but it is not aggressive. Also read the artical in "martial arts" by master Sken( I think thats his name) of Mauy tai. He may also disagree with your statement of his martial art to.


Be Well



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On 2002-07-16 20:13, three60roundhouse wrote:


What exactly does your term "aggressive fighting" mean, Tiger?

I think he means to use karate to open up a can o' woop @$$! :kaioken: :karate:



If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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Thanks Radok. I cant really be botherd to have this stupid argument with people, you want to pick up on everything I say, fine, bring it on! At least I stand up and dont agree with everything you expect me to beleive!


I like to fight agresively be attacking the enemy in a forward motion and constantly attacking them while sweeping at their legs. Thats fighting AGGRESIVELY!


A softer way is to use the oppenants strengh against them selves in a less agresive manner and to be patient for the oppenant to strike first.


Kensai, from what I saw from a Wing Chun video it looked pretty aggresive to me, with low kicks and elbows to the head!



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A VIDEO! That would make you a master then, its great that from ONE video you can make that sort of judgment! Again a tell tell sign of ignorance, to a martial art you really know nothing about. Read about the martial art, try and understand its principles, then get back to ME! :kaioken:


But its good that you argue for what you believe in, just make you sure you add some FACT to it before you go off on one. :lol:


Be Well



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Oh shut up. I was giving an example of something that I have watched, so your saying Wing Chun is soft, from what I know it doesn't seem so, and you cant expect me to know everything about a martial art I dont even do. Why I am even arguing, now I'm laughing for some reason I dont know why.


Okay I said something you pick up on it, I defend that you pick up on that. I gave examples of aggresive martial arts and one of them was Wing Chun so you decided to say Wing Chun Isn't aggresive. Wing Chun looked pretty aggresive to me, I gave it as an example to back up what I ment about being an aggresive fighter and a soft fighter. I was trying to describe why I am an aggreive martial artist rather than a soft stylist and gave examples of Martial Arts that where aggresive.



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Urrr, OK :???:


Elbows to the face, no that cant hurt!


Do you even know what is aggresive and what isn't! Soft is using your oppenants strengh against themselves so your movements do not HURT the oppenant by beating him without violance. Hard is where you hurt the oppenant to the point where they can not attack you.




In Wing Chun and other Martial Arts the practitionor will never strike first if thats your idea of soft. hard is wher you use your strengh against the oppenant to hurt them, soft is using the oppenants strengh against them selves.




Soft= Someone punches, you move out of the way and miss direct his punch with a soft block.


Hard= Someone punches you, you block and counter attack with a strike.



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