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first shotokan class


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Thanks, and yes I'm going to try and get there earlier every time so i have plenty of time to extra stretching and warm up excises, I found warming up with the Sensei one on one enjoyable I did my thing and he did his, it was very relaxed and helped me get the nervousness out of my system.

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Good luck with the class. I've only had 3 classes so far but I really enjoy it and I really think I'm gonna like it.

It's been a bit frustrating not being able to do certain things but I know that I will get them right. I practiced heian shodan for the first time in class and I found it difficult, but only because it's confusing with which way to step, how to turn, things like that. But I've been practicing at home and I'm able to do it better. It's not even close to being correct but I feel that I've got the movements more or less right. Now I just have to wait for sensei to correct me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your path as much as I'm enjoying mine, so far.

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Aye, good luck to you on your path I hope you succeed and progress as far as you can.

I had a lot of problems with my Outer to inner middle block (cant remember Japanese name yet) but I've been working on it since I got home I'm starting to remember the positioning now.

I can't wait for my next lesson, I'm also really enjoying it so far. :)

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Had class again last night. It went pretty good. There is a beginner's class for little kids just before ours and they were still there when I got there. I'm glad I went with this school. Instead of making the kids stand there and not have any fun practising the moves, Sensei made a game out of it, the part I saw anyway. Which I'm sure some instructors wouldn't do.

Basically the kids were all over the floor and sensei would call out one of their names and the others had to do a move in their direction. Just a basic kick or bunch but the kids were having a lot of fun. Laughing and running around trying to find the kid whose name had been called so they could do whatever they were supposed to. Anyway, it looked like a blast.

Did heian shodan again toward the end of class with one other white belt and blue belt to help us learn the kata. I've gotten much better at it, I think anyway. Thanks youtube :D Anyway, I told the blue belt I had been practicing at home and she said she could tell that i had done it more than once.

I want to ask Sensei what's required for the yellow belt test but since I've only just started I don't know if he would tell me it's too soon and not to worry about it yet or not. How far ahead do any of you start practicing for your next belt test?

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How far ahead do any of you start practicing for your next belt test?

When it comes to material, I just work on what I need to know for the upcoming testing, and then worry about new material for the next belt. Less confusion that way.

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Had my second Class today, I "tested" for my Shotokan patch to ad to my Gi and passed almost word for word. All it was a sheet we went over before class about the opening and closing class ceremony and the purpose of "True Karate-do" and the dojo Kun that had to be learned and then repeated when the Sensei asked the questions. I was kinda proud though, its nothing big or flashy just a small school patch that goes on our gi to show that we are part of the school and familiar with the "disciplines" of our school.

Anyways We learned our first open hand block and our front stance today, we also had a really good/rough stretching warm up I was sweating before class even formally started from stretching alone. Since its a new adult class that only meets once a week, they also have given us permission to attend a second younger class on the Monday, this is the kids-"all ages" class that existed before they did the new adult class, since theres only three of us in the class and the other two have children and are older their allowing them to come in from time to time for extra lessons to train with their kids making it a family thing, but they also extended the invitation to me so If I can work it out with my job I'll be able to attend two classes a week fro the price of one, when originally I was only going to get one class a week for my first 4-6 months... I'm really excited.

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