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Armbar to escape mounted position.

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Several times....when I am the one in the bottom in mounted position , I extend my arm to ´´push ´´ the dominant figher , action that gives him the opportunity to perform an armbar. I do it intentionally , and then I do the classic armbar defence (I grab the attacked wrist arm with my free hand and push against the guy with all my weight ).When that happens...I free my arm , and go to side control with me on the top. It works for me in 95/100 fights

I know it can be risky...but if you are waiting for the armbar , you can have a quick reaction....

what do u think ?

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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Not a terrible tactic. Afterall, it's better than being tricked into the position and getting caught.

That said, a skilled fighter will realize that you were doing it purposefully. They will move very tightly. It's not possible to muscle out of the armbar if it's done properly. You're better off using the elbow escape, upa or bump escape to get out of the mount.

Remember that the key to escaping a bad position is to realize you're going to be there before the opponent is actually there. Then you can begin the escape before the opponent has had the chance to get tight.

As a basic example, let's say you're being scissor swept. You have two options: either fight like crazy and end up swept with the opponent mounted on top of you or realize you're going over and begin the elbow escape before the mount is accomplished.

What I'm saying is that the way you're getting out should be the last ditch effort! A good and experienced grappler isn't likely to fall for it.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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What I'm saying is that the way you're getting out should be the last ditch effort! A good and experienced grappler isn't likely to fall for it.

Sure....It is my last effort. You are right. The problem is... Sometimes I end in bad position because I am very slow on the ground ( and a bit slow when I am on my feet )

And a skilled grappler would read my intentions , but maybe not the first time I grapple against him...

I said it works 95/100 :P well the 5 stands for the fights against outstanding grapplers ....But many of the good fighters of my gym dont need to mount me to win.... I know some word class grapplers who kick my crap just from the guard :(

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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You're not kidding. We brough Saulo Ribeiro in for a seminar last Feb. This guy has skills that are from another planet. My instructor has been training for 12 years. Saulo made him look like he'd never seen Jiujitsu before. He could name the technique he wanted and the position he would get it from. Absolutely sick. Professor Sauer makes a habit of preventing guys from passing his guard without even using his hands. It's absolutely amazing what skilled guys can do.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Well . I know I can never be like saulo or Renzo gracie. Is a fact , I wasnt born with that gift... I will be happy just being a ´´good´´ grappler.

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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Well . I know I can never be like saulo or Renzo gracie. Is a fact , I wasnt born with that gift... I will be happy just being a ´´good´´ grappler.

To add to that, you shouldn't worry about being Renzo or Saulo. Just worry about being you, and practice like a madman to get as good as you can. Who knows? Maybe someday someone will be inspired by you as well? :karate:

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Look. I see it this way. The reason Brazil is so far away from Ohio is because the Brazilians knew I'd come along one day. They knew they wouldn't be able to handle my mad skills so they made sure their country was really far away from me :)

Seriously though. You're definitely right that guys like Renzo G. Saulo, Rickson, Marcello (the list is too long to name everyone) are in a league all their own. My goal is to gain some terrific skill some day. I'm ok now...but that's not good enough. Probably never will be:)

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Those guys have natural grappling skills , plus all the time of the world for the development of the skills...

I dont have natural grappling skills , and I can train 2-3 times a week, when I am not plenty of work or exams :(

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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