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ok...there are some things in this world hard to explain XD

ok...now when ever I tell people that there are times when my mind goes "blank" and a number of those times are when i'm fighting. They always say that it is dangerous to do that, that i should stop, and that if i don't somday i might die O__O

but i meerly put it in words that a normal person might try to explain it with let's see now if i can explain it better.

I know i'm thinking, and can see and my body can react..but I can't read my own dam mind >.<

Sometiems it's like I can see things in front of me but there's also a blank ness in mind again..and somehow I see white >.<

it's not like it's there in the real world, I can see the things in the real world..but there's also like..white somewhere in there XD

let's see...ah! this one time I was sparring with a cousin of my neighor who is a yellow belt in tae kwan do. He kicked me...it started a bit high and would have dropped to hit me just below the last rib. Now, I could see him..and I could see the kick, and I could see the lake behind him...but I also couldn't read my own mind, I saw saw white 9again..VERY hard to explain) and just went to catch his kick..which i did successfully..and without looking where I was placing my hand. -.-; there..I did my best to explain it.

Strike first. 'Til then i will not fight you.

Everytime someone calls JKD a style, Bruce turns over.

Why do I love Bruce Lee? Not because he was an awesome martial artist- but because his train of thought overlapped with mine even before I knew about him.

Thank you karate forums, for introducing me to Bruce Lee

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Seeing the white, I don't really understand. I don't think you are blanking out, though. As long as your are moving and reacting, and are in control of yourself, everything should be fine.

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k >.> I told you thw white part is hard to explain and understand >.>

Strike first. 'Til then i will not fight you.

Everytime someone calls JKD a style, Bruce turns over.

Why do I love Bruce Lee? Not because he was an awesome martial artist- but because his train of thought overlapped with mine even before I knew about him.

Thank you karate forums, for introducing me to Bruce Lee

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I think I know what you mean... Kind of like your on auto pilot right? I don't see white or anything, just light and controlled... I actually see it as a good thing to a certain point..

The first person to call me mate gets a punch in the throat...

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  • 1 year later...

I think i may have a mild understanding of this.

Are you describing that whenever you are sparring and you become focused you do not see what you are doing but you are just doing it?

If that is the case then it can be likened to total focus. Its like when you start your first match in a compertiton and your so focused on it that all of a sudden its over and you have no idea what you have done or what the result is. Its not a your going to die thing because quite simply your not its your body and mind becoming one. Your mind lets go and lets your body take over to do the things it has been trained to do.

However if your not doing that and are seeing white spots in your head then obviously its something else.

Hope that helps.

Rule one of Sparring: Beware of anyone who grins the face of obvious oblivion.

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When you say you see white, are you experiencing a "tunnel vision," in which you see exactly directly in front of you, but what's peripheral is all white?

Have you ever been diagnosed with anxiety? Or experienced panic attacks?

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Its not a your going to die thing because quite simply your not its your body and mind becoming one. . . .

However if your not doing that and are seeing white spots in your head then obviously its something else.

There are individuals who, going through a successfully deepened meditative state as they practice meditation time and again, have expressed a perception of all-white with their eyes closed. Deep meditators will read out with alpha (relaxed level) brain waves instead of beta (alert). However, their bodies are completely still and relaxed, not in motion (such as in sparring) whether or not they are seeing white. For those who see white, they do not continue to see it if continuing the process, moving past it, and deep meditation is usually under the direction of a teacher.

What's described here seems to be more of a psychologically-induced condition than biological, and so my posting, above, asked certain questions along that line. If the answer is yes to anything I asked, then a doctor should be consulted.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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  • 3 months later...

It's stage fright. That's not to say you're a coward, but it's stage fright. It's what occurs when an adrenalean rush causes you to forget how to to do basic things- or being caught off guard causes you to fear. You just have to get used to what's going on or get used to andrenaline rushes.

I had a fight like this once in high school. The guy had gone to punch me while I was seated on a wall, lower than he was. Long story short he was on the ground and I was 20 yds. away before I regained fully my aware self-reflexion.

You'll hear to things in Self-Defense:

1. No time to think, just reactions, therefore: train.

2. Remain in control and be tactical (Be strong so you don't have to be anxious, as Krav Magna would have).

By experiece, I have this to say:

Both will hold true.

Peace to you.


"It is better to die for one's master than to fight the enemy."

- Hagakure

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in martial arts this is called kime and mushin. In a self defense situation, one should let their mind "go" and not think. You acted perfectly. "too many mind" is a famous quote used to express thinking in a fight, which you shouldnt do. Bruce lee also touched on the subject saying that in a fight he isnt really there, meaning his body and instincts take over. thats all it is, is letting your body and mind work together in complete focus, this is kime and mushin. and that is when you know your instincts are sharp

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