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Does anyone hate the US airforce

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Perhaps Communist China and N Korea will be added to the list before the USA. Both are already positioning themselves to takeover so-called renegade provinces (Taiwan and S Korea) with massive arms build-ups.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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I dont hate or love any of the US military. They do do things that are stupid and they also do great things. I respect any man or women who is going to risk their lives for our great nation. This nation has rebuilt cities after we destroyed them. Other countries that have bombed and destroied things rarely if ever have even offered to help.


If you are in the Army and you say negative things about your fellow service men in the Marines then you should not be in the military. It is not saying much that each one of the branches thinks they are better than the other. No one branch is better than the other. Their are so many accidents with planes now because it is a high tech world and they are used a lot more now because they cover ground much quicker and dont cost as many lives and cause more or equal destruction. No human is perfect and things go wrong. If it is an American person then it will be in the Press in every country. Even counties we have helped will try to discredit us. The US does things wrong all the time, but they also help out a lot of countries. Sometimes they care more about those other countries and keeping peace than their own people.


I myself do not want to be in the armed forces. I prefer to stay here in the postion that I am in. I dont hold any of the Military departments higher than the other and have respect for the people who are risking their lives.


As for the Clinton Admistration. I dont think you look at all the facts of what all he did for our country. The economic state of this country was best it has been in a long time under him. So he didnt want the US to have 300 trillion dollars spent on the military. Ever think that may have been because of the fact that the country is already strong in that area. Why not use that money to make it stronger in other areas. Politics have all come down to if your a Democrat or Republican. It should matter what Political Party you are. The qualifications and leadership should be the main ideals. If you look at it every President has had their war. Both the Bush's have created their own. So dont tell me that we need to waste all the tax payers money on planes that would not even be needed because they would not be destroyed if we didnt have to always have war. No President has been perfect but before you dis any one of them do the research on the facts on how much each one has helped the country. After you do the research see who wrote it. Odds are no clear opinion or fact will be made because of the Political Parties cant get along.


The press also like to do what ever they can to sell a story. Even if it is falsifing facts to make more money. Look at the Enquirer. What if a foriegn person came to this country thinking that it was great because he read something in a paper in his native country. What do you think they would think about the people in this country if they read our tabloids. Probably would not have a good opinion since they believe what they read in something that is suppose to have news in it.


No Country has the right to make negative remarks about us and we have no right to make negative remarks about them. The whole story for many things is not even touched upon in many cases.


I think the conditions of this country often times makes us vane. We are all much better off than 98% of the countries and we still ***** about what the country does. Remember no one human being is perfect. NO ONE.

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We all do good and bad things. No argument there. But when you defend Clinton you go too far. :spitlaugh:

dont think you look at all the facts of what all he did for our country. The economic state of this country was best it has been in a long time under him.


Yes, because he was elected after a recovery period began and had the brains not to meddle in it beyond a few small "adjustments" and "tweaks" for which we are now paying dearly.*


Of course the current downturn happened under Clinton too, and after he'd had eight years of control, but the point is the man was only President. His impact on the economy was minimal, like all Presidents, but like all Presidents he had credit and blame blindly slapped onto him.


Can you name one thing Bill Clinton did to strengthen the economy? How about one thing George Bush did to weaken it? Of course not. The economy is going to come roaring back (it's a normal business cycle) and Bush will get all the credit, which will be as pointless as giving Clinton credit for the '90's. They didn't create the boom; workers and executives in American businesses did that.


* Clinton sought to show the "little man" that he felt our pain by keeping those nasty old CEOs from making a lot of money, so he decreed that CEO salaries were limited to $1 million annually. The corporations, of course, went right around this law by giving CEO's stock options. Unfortunately stock options aren't much good as incentives because a smart CEO (anybody smart enough to run a large corporation) can profit from them whether the company is booming or crashing.


But damnit, at least we kept those bad other people from making money, which sure made it easier to pay our abusive taxes. :roll:


* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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- "Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? (.... sound familiar???)"


Yes. Many times. We are called the Australians, and every time in the past century our British or American masters have shouted "Tally-Ho" we've leapt up like the faithful dogs we are and gone charging enthusiastically into the fray regardless of the issue. And after the fuss has dies down, our reward has inevitably been a kick in the guts, maybe tossed a few old bones, or ignored and sent back to the kennel.


We were there in the Boer War. The British executed Breaker Morant as a traitor... We were there for World War 1. We were the ones used as expendable cannon fodder by British commanders on the beaches of Gallipoli. We were there in WW2. We were the ones that actually fought the Japanese hand to hand in the jungles of southeast Asia and Papua New Guinia in World War 2, knee deep in mud and slime and leeches and rotting corpses. We had the Japanese bomb not military bases but a city. (Darwin). We were there in Korea, in Vietnam, and in every other dirty little skirmish the US has been involved in since. When Uncle Sam said "Lets Go" after 9/11, we were the only ones that said "Yes Sir" while all of Europe hesitated and ummed and ahhed and tried to sort things out rationally.


And out reward is? As this board shows, no-one even remebers that we've done these things...

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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Correct. Your country has participated in many conflicts without hesitation. It's good to have friends like you. Your reward? I'm not sure. If nothing else you have our gratitiude and support for any situations that may arise in that part of the world anytime in the future.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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Some of us do. I wasn't born when Vietnam ended, but I hear stories about the Australians.


We love ya, guys, don't worry. You remind us of Texans with British accents. :grin:


(I know, you don't have "pommy" accents, but that's how it sounds to us, ok?)




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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Phantasmatic, the Marine incident was all over the news for several weeks, but it was a few years back. It might have been '95 or '96--I think I was still in high school. If you'd been watching the news or reading the paper back then, you'd have seen it.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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Thanks Don, ZR... We are actually counting on you guys if anyone DID invade. We ***** and gripe about the Yanks sometimes, but I think our military policy is still based on "The U.S. will save us!".


Texans with British accents...haha You know, I know what you mean, but I never would have thought of that myself. I might disappoint you in real life though - I don't own an Akubra hat, or an oilskin coat, I've never wrestled a crocodile, my skin is as pasty as any New Yorker and I burn at the beach... I wear a woollen beanie, NY style, when its cold, all my shorts hang below my knees and I prefer pickles to beetroot on my burger. I've never drunk a Foster's beer in my life.


OTOH, like a Texan, a pause in conversation signifies THOUGHT, not lack thereof. :bigwink:


I like barbequed steak. I've eaten plenty of kangaroo (one of the best red meats). I've seen a few snakes while hiking in the bush. And I saw a crocodile once, at the zoo. :grin:

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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