Adonis Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Any one see any of the episodes yet. Basically two guys train in a style for a couple of weeks and then fight some champion of that style. They go from style to style. To show the history of it and some of its training methods. I like the history part of the show, plus the past and present training methods of each style. However 2 things I can do without. 1. The fake or worked fights at the end of the show.2. Bill's (Big bald guy) Arrogance and annoying mannerisms. The concept of the show is silly. Remineds of the Karate kid, or old kung fu movies. Where a person learns for a couple of weeks and then fights the Master or champion to defeat them. In reality that rarely or ever happens. Since there is such a vast diffrence of skill level from a novice to an Advanced practioner of a style. Over all I will still watch the show for the history aspects, and training methods.
karatekid1975 Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 I saw it yesterday. I watched the one with karate. I agree with you. I like the history aspects, and training methods of each style. But the end fight part is kinda stupid. I guess they like getting beat up LOL. Laurie F
nine_weapons Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Adonis said: Remineds of the Karate kid, or old kung fu movies. Where a person learns for a couple of weeks and then fights the Master or champion to defeat them. In reality that rarely or ever happens. Since there is such a vast diffrence of skill level from a novice to an Advanced practioner of a style. why is it rare? you see untrained street fighters who defeat MA in streetfights. Put them in an MA for a few weeks and voila. Not only that, but these guys are trained. If you read the bios on the website they have prior MA experience. My thoughts on martial arts and weight training:
Adonis Posted August 12, 2007 Author Posted August 12, 2007 Nine Weapons, It wasn't a street fight, it was sparring matches at the end of each episode. Notice the outcome of each episode, where it is either a draw or a CLOSE match. for exmaple the mauy thai episode, the fighter looked to go really light, wasn't throwing hard kicks and strikes, but looked to be a light sparring match. It was like that with the other episodes accept for the Escrima episode where the guy looked to go more harder. I am familuar with there experience. The host Jason Champers, I took a couple of private lessons from back in 2004 when he was up in Arizona. He is an MMA fighter, and a BJJ Brown Belt under Eddie Bravo. Also a fantastic instructor. I am also familuar with bills training. They mentioned there training on the show as well.
nine_weapons Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Adonis said: Nine Weapons, It wasn't a street fight, it was sparring matches at the end of each episode. Notice the outcome of each episode, where it is either a draw or a CLOSE match. for exmaple the mauy thai episode, the fighter looked to go really light, wasn't throwing hard kicks and strikes, but looked to be a light sparring match. It was like that with the other episodes accept for the Escrima episode where the guy looked to go more harder. I am familuar with there experience. The host Jason Champers, I took a couple of private lessons from back in 2004 when he was up in Arizona. He is an MMA fighter, and a BJJ Brown Belt under Eddie Bravo. Also a fantastic instructor. I am also familuar with bills training. They mentioned there training on the show as well.I wasn't implying it was a streetfight, merely that it's not that uncommon for an untrained person to beat a trained person. What was it like training with him? My thoughts on martial arts and weight training:
Adonis Posted August 12, 2007 Author Posted August 12, 2007 Jason is very articulate, good at explaining the details and conveying information for me to understand. We then drilled the information to help me remember it better. He's an excellent instructor, really nice, and very cool person to be around. I know what you mean yes untrained people have beaten trained people based on diffrent factors. However in the same art and sporting event isn't that common at all. Especially if you have a chamion of some event or art and a novice who's into it. Usually beats them at same event. There are exceptions but that rarely happens.
Adonis Posted August 12, 2007 Author Posted August 12, 2007 Oh yeah and Jasons Jiu-Jitsu game is very good as well.
Adonis Posted August 12, 2007 Author Posted August 12, 2007 Any one see the Escrima episode. I really enjoyed the history and the training they did with diffrent instructors. I also enjoyed the Savate episode since I didn't know really any thing about that style or its training methods. I know on the Sambo episode they have Fedor PrideFC's Heavy Weight Champ on it. So that will be intersting to. Since the only thing I know about Sambo is they do well with Leg locks.
marie curie Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 yeh, they guys aren't' the best hosts, maybe, but i enjoy the history. You suck-train harder.......................Don't block with your faceA good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. -Lao Tzu
Adonis Posted August 12, 2007 Author Posted August 12, 2007 Yeah I enjoy the information also. Jason the Skinny host, is articulate, and good host. I don't care for the big bald guy Bill. I know next weeks episode is on Judo. I am intersted in that one also. I hear if they do a seaosn 2 they possiblely will cover just one style. I heard they want to do a BJJ one.
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