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War stories

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When I was eight-years-old and my older brother was training me. He got a little into it and picked me up over his head, and slammed me on the floor in my family room. I don't remember ever being in more pain.

When I was 13 I got in a fight at a sledding hill with five people at once who tried to steal my sleds. I prevented them from stealing my sleds and held them off for ten full minutes with limited karate skills and no foot mobility. I was anchored to the ground by my boots. Meanwhile, there's a sixth one throwing ice balls at me from the top of the hill. I admitted defeat after ten minutes and walked away.

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Got my nose broken once by our Grandmaster's son during testing sparring. He did a verrry fast high roundhouse kick, close range. Could not get my hands up in time.

Also broke my wrist doing patio block breaking. Was trying 5 two-inchers, and succeeded in breaking four.

Other than those, no serious injuries to report.

There is no martial arts without philosophy.

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Just a few of the more painful ones:

Spear wound left abdomen. 2" scar.

Knife wound right forearm. small incision. 1/2" scar

Machete wound right shin. 5 poorly done stiches in Philippines. 2" scar.

Broken teeth.

Broken nose.

Other than that I feel pretty lucky to have escaped any serious injury. I don't consider the above serious, because I have no residual permanent damage.

I think a broken limb, or ruined ligament or tendon, or back injury, or loss of limb or sense(i.e. eye) would classify as serious. Anything you can walk away from and heal back to normal is just an injury and a pretty good instructor.

I remember my first nunchaku lesson. My teacher handed me the pair and told me to defend myself while he attacked me with a bo-staff. I did more damage to myself than my teacher did. But I did learn quickly the limitations of the weapon and a great deal about its proper application.

Unfortunately, I don't walk around with a pair of nunchaku. But, the lessons learned from the weapon can be applied to the world of combat nonetheless.


"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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I was in a 5 on one fight once... That was before I had any training at all, it got pretty messy. I've had my shoulder pop out while having an Aikido technique used on me (my shoulder was stuffed before-hand mind you). My knee popped out when I was trying a side kick when I didn't chamber it properly and kind of kick up (understand that at all?) That's probably the worst of it that comes to mind right now... Sorry for my fatigued babble!

The first person to call me mate gets a punch in the throat...

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I have luckily avoided any serious injury so far. I did jam my big toe on the heavy bag (didn't curl 'em back properly) and it took 6 months to recover (it hurt every time I made any sort of contact with my right foot). It took a year or two to get full movement back. I broke that same toe in two places a couple of years later, at work, and it took less time to heal up!



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Got a knee to the shin once (as I was going in for a kick, so both of our momentums were going forward). Was sore for over a month...

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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Don't think I've had that many injuries myself. Once took my instructors heel full onto my nose... didn't break though. A couple of months ago I came down wrong after a burpese (squatthrust-starjump) and landed on the side of my ankle. Nearly broke my big toe on someone's shin. That' about it really.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I was punching the bag at home one time, doing a punch out or something; anyway, I was punching full power. I did an uppercut type technique into the bag, and I felt my wrist kind of tweak. Well, for some reason I didn't register it right away (just one of my crowning moments of realization :P) and I wound up to punch again.

Lucky for me, the second hit (same hand) did register. Thus concluded that day's punching drills!

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