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Ultimate Ki Tech

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I've been doing Taiji for many years. I've also been doing qigong like Golden-bell lohan and iron palm.


For mos tof those years, I did the visualizations, and I could see the impact of various thing (intent chaning effect of hitting, change in aggression, etc) but none that showed "chi" as anything other than an abstraction.


My schools does a yearly Qigong healing workshop. In the workshop you spend 3 days playing with your energy and learning to work with the energy of others. At the urging of my instructor (and an offer to let me go for free) I took it.


I decided that I would do my best to be accepting of the concept and went though the workshop. Afterwards, I had a good idea how to feel the energy of someone else and how to make alterations on it.


Of course, this could be self-delusion, so I decided to create a double blind test...


I enlisted the aid of some voulenteers (about 10 before I was done). In each case I told them I wanted to do a qigong thing, but not really what. I felt their energy and spelt out clearly to myself what I thought was wrong. I did what healing I could and made sure I was clear on what I thought I did. Then I asked them "how di you feel before, what did you feel during, and how do you feel now". I was careful to give no other prompting, nor suggestions as to what I had done (and the healing is done behind their back and without contact). Here were my results.


I never felt something that was not reported to be there afterwards by the subject.


I occasionally failed to find things that were reported.


I was usually correct in my assessment of weather I had improved it (and when I was wrong, I ihad usually improved it where I had felt that I had not succeeded).


I never recieved a false response regarding work (IOW, no one said they felt sensations in areas I was not working).


What's my word on the internet worth? Nothing. I was a sceptic. I am a sceptic. But I have proven (in a test that you have no way of kniowing I did but me telling you) that it is there. I can find no way for it to be a response to suggestion or psycosematic.


i firmy believe that, given access to teh same class, and a willingness to try, you could perform your own experiments to yield the same conclustion.

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You have a point.


Even http://skepdic.com


has a page on "ch'i"


However, these methods have worked for years.


Even though there is no visual representation of its work.


So even though I myself classify it as perhaps just a learning method,


there may actually be a reason behind it.


But I am too busy to care about that right now.

-Pa Kua Chang (Baguazhang Practioner)

of Jiang Rongqiao's Circular and Linear form.


What evil lurks in the hearts of men?

-The Shadow knows.


Relax, and chant with me:


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in ki i can heat up my body i can make a "ball" i can open my "third eye" chakra i can actually see ki with it. i do not believe that a person could actually fly unless they either a hop on a plane b train constantly every day for many many years. my Jeet Kune Do master knows ppl who do practice ki and use it in tournaments. i how ever do not recommend that yoou practice ki if ur not going to train ALOT if u WON'T train DON'T do it.

"Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation"

-bruce lee

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i almost forgot the good stuff that i can do i can use ki tosnse people i can use it to increase my strength and speed my mind is stronger than it was before i started to practice ki

"Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation"

-bruce lee

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experience? ummm... I know Ki is real because i have seen it. A guy I know can knock down a folded business card from a meter and a half away. (no joke) when he points his hand at someone it feels like a beam of heat is going through you. I have seen it happen... His master can even levitate, or so he says I dint see this for myself. As i said before I can create small ki balls pretty crappy ones, because i have just started training. After a couple of minutes meditating it feels like theres a little explosion inside my hands and they start to expand like magnets, when i breath in, they come closer when i breath out they separate. try this for yourself, you should get it in a while.


This has got to be the most idiotic information I have ever heard. So go ahead, contact this guy you know who can knock down a business card from a meter away, and show him http://www.randi.org , why not make a million bucks? Then you can prove to all of us that ki balls, levitation, and all that other fun-stuff is true. Then we will give you some gratitude. I hope this will end this fun ki ball stuff today, like it should have a long time ago as soon as that website name was shown.

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**Original message**


Look, if anyone can actually demonstrate Ki (as opposed to biomechanics, or other purely physical manifestations of energy) they get a million dollars.


well then pay up! all of the DKI (Dillman Karate International) masters that i have ever meet can do no touch knock outs from distancess of 20 feet away or more.


Actually, I'd have to say that George Dillman's techniques are all rather anatomically based and have nothing to do with "no touch knock outs". He does go into acupuncture and accupressure and does sometimes use Chinese terms (Like fire pressure points and metal pressure points) but I haven't ever heard of him doing that. Was that just a name you posted randomly or has he actually done that...In fact, I would say that he is one of the more scientifically-based martial masters right now...(Not to spark a debate between science and chi, I'm just saying that I have never heard of him talk about those kinds of things like the no touch knock out and i have seen several of his tapes and read several books of his).


Or is there another Dillman system out there? I'm confused...sorta...


Post Edit: Okay, much to my chargrin, I guess at some of his seminars, there have been many people demonstrating the "no touch" knockout. ...*sigh* Oh well, so much for that...I buy into his other stuff though, the medically based applications and kata bunkai...


Post Post Edit: Now I'm legitimately curious...Does George Dillman do these "no touch" knockouts or is it just people that he has invited to his seminars and things. He may just want to avoid stepping on their toes (hopefully, in my opinion and no offense to those who believe it) or he may actually advocate it openly. I just feel that he just comes across as more medical and anatomically based. Has anyone done very in-depth studies of Dillman's practices that can answer this for me?

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick follow-up on my last post on this topic...I am very sure (reading his works and watching videos and talking to my instructor that has gone to some of his camps) that George Dillman does not suscribe to "no-touch" knockouts. I am strongly convinced that he humors those that do at his seminars in order to not offend them and take advantage of their other knowledge. Thus the post that all the masters of Dillman Karate International do no-touch knockouts is slightly off. But there have been instances of guest instructors demonstrating these techniques at seminars. Once again, Dillman is pretty much a very scientific (and very much needing to touch people to initiate energy transfer, which is a term that can mean something as simply as a corkscrew punch) advocate of pressure points and chinese meridian theory.


Just if anyone was curious...although the lack of responses indicates that I may be the only one. :lol:

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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Just a quick question. How many people out there are black belts in any martial art? How many of those are black belts in arts that use Ki on a regular basis. Then how many of those people have teachers who have studied, achieved rank and are now Ki Masters or on their way with continuing correspondence with their teachers? So I would guess that most of you with no disrespect have answered no to the first question. Personally my teacher said he wouldn't start teaching my Ki openly until I was Nidan. My teacher is a Ki master. He didn't make anything up on his own. And he does not teach until 2nd degree black belt. So how can everyone out there be so attach to their opinion of Ki by never even being exposed to it other the most of the crap on the internet. Those site's you have to read half way through to figure out if it's martial arts or D&D the guy is talking about. All you people are going to damper Ki-Master's spirits because you throw-out everything he says. Take it like this if you can't count, how much does your opinion mean when you say you don't believe in adding? I didn't believe in Ki until I say it many times and eventually began doing. Even after months of doing I still disbelieved. It's all in my head, a joke, I'm going crazy etc. So keep going Ki-Master as my Teachers tell me.

"It's quite interesting..."

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