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Stating that people should not be allowed to use sawn of shotguns is rediculous. I personally own an AR-15 (dubbed an assault rifle by anti-gun activists to scare the uninformed public) and to say I have this gun for self defense or for killing people or even hunting is rediculous. I use this weapon SOLEY for target practice because it is a fun and relatively inexpensive weapon to practice with. The antigun activists are trying to ban these weapons stating that nobody needs one. Well, yes I don't "NEED" this weapon but it comes down to what people "WANT" Nobody needs a fast car but many people like myself 'WANT" one.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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withers you just sound like a spoilt little brat who wants everything your way ive always wanted a gun but there banned in our country does england have a gun problem? NO, so it shows it works, no ones argee's with you, just shut up and quit moaning.


if you want to practice why not use stuff like single shot weapons, there is no need for a automatic weapon, the only need for a automatic is if you want to go on a mass killing spree GTA3 style



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i probelm caused by guns, they scare the sh*t out of some people, and it aint cause of the person who has the gun, its the gun id be scared of.


im not scared of the 65 year old lady next door, but if that old lady put a shotgun in my face i know its the gun that would scare me



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Zin Zu you are so wrong. Since guns were banned in England the crime rate increased. If you knew anything about firearms you would know that an AR-15 is not an automatic weapon. It is semi-automatic like a pistol. So before you chime in thinking you know everything you should find out facts first. Yeah and I'm just a spoiled little brat.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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i admit im not a know-it-all about guns but tell me where you got the idea that since guns where banned crime has increased as every year i hear on the news crime has decreased by so and so %.



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Converting Semi - automatics such as an AR-15 and such to fully automatic is not a hard task. I personally own some firearms ( hunting rifles and shotguns) but cannot agree with people owning "assault rifles" and pistols. I see no purpose for them. The firearms I own have the purpose to put meat in my freezer, but handguns and "assault Rifles" were invented with the intent to kill humans. An AR-15 was only created as a weapon to use on other humans, any other reason for it's existance is purely coincidental.
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I use my weapons for the main purpose of sport. I enjoy going to the firing range and shooting at targets. As for hunting I don't really so the point. You say it is to put food on your table. However, I find it much easier to go the the grocery store. That is how I put food on my table. I use my AR-15 and pistols for target practice. I occassionally carry a pistol but hardly ever.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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Hey, Ogre, ever tried it? Building a full auto like Britain's "Sten" gun is not that hard either, if you're a decent machinist (I could do it in my garage.) So what? You can't have it both ways. Full auto-can't be useless to a normal person and useful to a criminal at the same time.


Zin-Ju, I'm sorry, but if you're more afraid of guns than people then you're not paying attention. That's as nicely as I can put it. As for the fact that you have your feeeeelings hurt because you're scaaaaared of the big bad guns, that sounds like a logic problem on your part to me. I doubt the gun has psychic powers to implant fear into your brain, so I'd say the fear starts in your own head. And frankly, if you're afraid of guns, you don't understand what they are. I can't own my property because you feeeeel scared when you see it? What kind of idiot policy would that be?


You're exactly right that an AR-15 was only created for use as a weapon for fighting and sometimes killing other humans. What of it? So are swords, daggers, shuriken, pikes, spears, bows, atlatls, slings, greek fire, and clubs. Hell, why do you think jiu-jitsu, taijutsu, karate, hapkido, aikijutsu, kali and escrima developed in the first place? People didn't create those arts because they had nothing better to do with their time; they wanted to survive their next martial encounter and they recognized that this might require anything from a bloody nose to death. Human beings have always found it necessary to fight and often kill other human beings. That's because there will always be some human beings who think that being stronger or better armed gives them the right to take what you have and destroy you if you resist. As Clint Smith puts it, "Some people have to be killed so that the rest of us can live. Don't be food!"


During the LA riots, the only Korean stores that survived in the riot zone were the ones that had store owners and their families banded together on the roofs with AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. They didn't kill anyone, but they kept their stores and their families from being burned, bashed, or otherwise destroyed. They were ready and willing to use those AR15's for exactly the purpose you ascribe and it's what kept them unharmed while others lost everything including their lives. Meanwhile, thousands of people in LA were outraged that California had a ridiculous 2-week waiting period for the purchase of a firearm, which had seemed a "reasonable control" until they needed a firearm immediately. After the riots, of course, people promptly forgot their outrage.


I should know better, but I can't get over the fact that a group of people ostensibly dedicated to the study of the martial arts, in a forum dedicated to the use of weapons in those arts, are screaming and whining that the most effective weapons they could learn to use should be banned! Don't any of you take your self-defense seriously?




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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don look if your more scared of a frist in the chest, then a shotgun blast to your chest, you truly are a complete d*ckhead.


you said "During the LA riots, the only Korean stores that survived in the riot zone were the ones that had store owners and their families banded together on the roofs with AR-15 and AK-47 rifles"


so the people didn't go to that store because they were scared of getting shot.


you contridict (spelling?) yourself


enough said. i aint even gonna try to argue with such a stupid moron



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Zin I think you are a bit imature for this debate. What Don was saying is that because these store owners had these weapons they were able to protect themselves and their property.


I'm sorry but if I was attacted by a person carrying a knife and I was armed I would feel MUCH safer than if I wasn't. My Martial Arts would still come into play because I would have self control not to shoot unless that attacker proceeded to attack.


It is the same story of a larger person attacking a BETTER fighter. THe larger person thinks he has the upper hand but the smaller person (say a Martial Artits) wins because he is better prepared. Everyone agrees with this but why not when it comes to firearms? It is the same thing.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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