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Iron A- Your hand picking your stats. just to prove your point. You gave only 7 out of 50 states in which there were more firearm deaths that car related deaths. Of course theres going to be more deaths in the U.S. We have more many more ppl that you do in the UK. All with different ethnic backgrounds and such. We have much more crime also as a result of that. You said that gun related deaths have been progressing through the years. Of course they have! Not only do we have more ppl but we have more ppl haveing children! Our population grows every year more and more from imigration, illegal imigration, and childbirth.


Since we have so many ppl coming into the country becaues we are the most advanced and our economy is one of the best, what do you expect! People come here all the time and when they do they bring firearms, drugs, and other illegal things! We catch alot of it but theres always things and ppl that get through. From a statistic point of view becaues of the U.S's size and the UK's size you arnt any safer over there than you are over here. Not to mention deaths by random incident. . .like say a gas pipe exploding. . . I own firearms and am safer becaues of it. Not to mention that proper instruction isnt difficult at all to find anywhere. . .


Its only funny until someone gets hurt. Then its hilarious.

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Best economy? Enron? And that other company? Two of your biggest have just collapsed, nearly taking the stock market with them.


I'd hardly call America the most advanced either. What are the evidences of advancement? Perhaps a way that the state cares for all people in medicine, pensions and so on? That'd be Germany. Maybe a place where everyone is trained in the weapons which they own, and which has never been involved in a war since Roman times. That'd be Switzerland. America is certainly not the most advanced, merely the richest and with some of the biggest weapons.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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the states need to do something about their guns problems, its been a problem since america was first found.


like Ali G said "why dont you allow guns to be sold and ban bullets or make bullets that dont fit the guns"



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Sin Style how old are you? You obviously know nothing about firearms or American History. It is because of firearms that we are the United Stated of America and we are a free country. It is because of the farmers and every day people that own guns that we are the country we are now and not England. But you obviously didn't study American Histoy.


Also, why would you make bullets that don't fit a gun? If you knew anything about firearms you would know that you can produce your own ammo at home by what is called reloading. So if companies didn't sell ammo you could just as easily make your own. Most serious shooters already reload because it is cheaper and more accurate ammo. So before you state nonsens you should have somewhat of an idea what you're talking about.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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America may have founded it's independence from England during the revolution, but it is true that firearms have cause problems throughout American history, starting with the "wild west" and the vigilante attitude. This is very well documented with prospectors travelling north into Canada and being turned away by the RCMP.


Not to mention the on a global scale the problems guns have caused the US of late in Afganistan. Gee who gave Bin Ladin weapons to begin with? Hmmm...maybe the US to fight against the Russians. Made your own monster there.


Ali G is a comedian who is just making fun at gun issues.


As for packing your own, I guess they could not sell you lead or even make casings, make the powder a controlled substance, make it difficult to find wadding. Sure bullets are easy to "pack", but not make.

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Bullets are indeed easy to make. Minus the powder and primer. You can cast your own bullet using lead. Casings are everywhere. No matter what laws you put in place the blackmarket will always be flooded with weapons.


They are even trying to ban assault rifles such as AR-15's etc. Why? How many people are murdered by them each year? Hardly any... Same with the .50 caliber.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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On 2002-05-30 07:48, Withers M.A.A. wrote:


It would be a little impractial to drive around in a tank. I don't think you would be allowed. As for trained I mean just as a Martial Artist would train. Know the weapon inside and out, how to shoot it with accuracy and how to draw the weapon. I shoot in competitions where you are required to make a draw and shoot down steel targets. It's good practice even though not technically simulating a gun fight but it does help


Er yeah, but while we're being this idealistic and imagining that all trained people would be jolly decent sorts who would only ever use their weapon for powers of good, can we ask to tooth fairy for World Peace too? :lol:




My karma will run over your dogma


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withers i know lots about guns, can u take a L-98 or SA-80 to pieces in under 20 seconds, put it back together blindfolded ?


i studied the american west for my final exams in history, i can say for sure that USA has had gun problems since then, you need to learn to take jokes, and should revise up on your history of the "wild west"


the reason the US is a free country is because when english had only a few divisions of soliders in america they chose to attack then


british soldiers are much more skillful, why else would Bush want the SAS in afgen first.



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