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I've been watching. It's a decent show, if a little corny. I'm sure that they didn't really have martial artists in mind as the target audience, and it is a much better presentation of what real martial arts training is like than some of those Extreme Martial Arts programs would have you believe.

Myself, being a history buff, would like to see more (especially on the history channel) on the history behind why various arts evolved the way they did, but I doubt that would be exciting to the masses.

Tae Kwon Do - 3rd Dan, Instructor

Brazilian Ju Jitsu - Purple Belt, Level 1 Instructor

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I'm still hoping they can go to Korea and train in traditional and sport Tae Kwon Do. To be honest, the kicking demos by the Japanese and Okinawan masters didn't impress me. Decent hand techniques though. I'd like to see some kicking demos from Korean experts (side kick, axe kick, back roundhouse, high roundhouse).

I definitely DON'T recommend banging your hand against a rock for conditioning unless you want long term damage down the road.

There is no martial arts without philosophy.

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The Krav Maga episode premiered last night, and I was extremely impressed!! One of the better episodes so far!

Also, there was a marathon on today and my mother happened to spot it for me and was able to record ( i believe) every episode on DVR except the Muy Thai episode.

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Jason Chambers posts on another website. I see said basically that besides BJJ, and JKD, the way they trained Krav Maga in Isreal it was one of his favorite arts.

Any way, I thought the episode was really good myself. Intersting training methods.

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Yeah, I gotta say it was pretty fun to watch I believe he had like what was it 14? Guy's coming at him on and off.. . and He would have to disarm/take down/whatever each one of them as they came.

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The Krav Maga episode had its ups and downs. A couple things I found "interesting"

--apparently I've been doing KM for years now because they said KM was the "only" martial art that utilizing blocking and striking at the same time. :wink: And yes they said only.

--having kali experience I can say some of the knife drills were flawed. There was very little attempt to get out of the way of the blade. For example, when going full speed against the thrust to the head, even the KM instructor got hit two or three times in the back of the head by the blade. You can see it bump him a few times.

--also, I found some of the gun disarms confusing. It doesn't make sense to me to always turn the same direction on a gun disarm regardless of where the gun is placed on your body. I don't believe that if a gun is on your left side that turning to the right would be the best method. I would be inclined to say turning to your left would be. Would have been nice to see them try these out with the "attacker" using an airsoft gun.

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Haha oh yes- I've noticed those things too. Did anyone else catch it when they mentioned the "pushing the nose into the brain' myth on one of the earlier episodes? Now that the honeymoon period of seeing an actually well put together martial arts show has passed, the in-laws are moving in and I've been starting to notice some things in the series on the whole that are getting a little thin. Mostly its over dramatic comments made and so forth, but also it seems that every single time a technique is explained they HAVE to put in an analogy (the side kick is roughly 200 lbs of force- enough to squash a bowling ball sized watermelon). But still...I am enjoying the series. The Krav maga episode was alright- although sometimes I feel krav maga is billed as a bit too THIS IS REAL LIFE (if that makes any sense?). It was interesting to see the distinction made between training for competition or self defense made though, and I liked to see the resistance knife disarming- even if I am a bit skeptical of those gun disarms. Anyhow I liked the final challenge and I am looking forward to this week's episode.

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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