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katas and belt test

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i have been in TKD for about 15 years 13 years if you count the time out for injuries. in this time i have prevented mystelf from belt testing. My instructor requires to do all katas that we have known in the past. tigu 1-6 and plus a few other ones that i learned as a white belt. only probly is. i only rember 3 of the 8 i am sumbposed to do. I'm tired of not being a black belt now when i should be. but i have to much pride to ask my insture to teach me things i should have never forgotten. is there any websites that have katas?

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part of being a black belt is knowing the kata.... sorry...

To many people think its about how often you train and how long you have been in a style.

No disrespect ment but if you don't know the kata you don't need a black belt no matter how skilled you are.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Which is why i asked for links to help me out with katas. so that way i can earn my black belt. i am well aware that time, skill has some but not everything to do with advancement. I was fine being the color belt but i've had alot of people ask me to test. In order to do so just need to refresh my memory on my katas. sence i've gotten the second link i can now run thro 80percent of the forums needed to do my test just need to make them neater.

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All Im saying is if you were to define black belt it measn basic understanding.

Your training should always cover everything you know. When we go up in rank and pass a kata we still do it. Everything in MA builds upon something else.

I understand you have been out but if learing the other kata you have forgot means going to the beginners class then go.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I just scartered myself to thin. currently doing 5 styles of MA i just needed somethen to refresh my memory is all.

lol the begginers class is full of 6 year olds i'd help teach the class (knows form the past) The link that was sent is an extremely good one and refreshed my memory just need to make them flow better now.

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Must admit that its a little peculiar that you have forgotten that many of your forms (though I know nothing about tkd) because in our classes I have noticed that you will not only be asked to perform the katas you should know for "that" belt... but also often, or at least periodically you could be called to perform *any* of the katas that it took to get you to that belt so while you may be expected to need a lil refresher from time to time, on the whole we are expected to know all of the katas we have ever learned, and we need to know 23-24 katas to get our black belt (once again we are not necessarily expected to get an "old" kata perfect the first time being asked to do it in a while in class but still remember it to some extent)

I find it weird that your sensei apparently does not ask you to perform old katas from time to time. Though I must admit 5 MA at the same time must be confusing.

Try YouTube.com for any of your other katas that the others have not posted (if you at least know the name of them that is)... but be warned they might not be doing it in the way your school does or might just not know what they are doing but you should be able to tell which is which if you have ever done them before.

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Must admit that its a little peculiar that you have forgotten that many of your forms (though I know nothing about tkd) because in our classes I have noticed that you will not only be asked to perform the katas you should know for "that" belt... but also often, or at least periodically you could be called to perform *any* of the katas that it took to get you to that belt so while you may be expected to need a lil refresher from time to time, on the whole we are expected to know all of the katas we have ever learned, and we need to know 23-24 katas to get our black belt (once again we are not necessarily expected to get an "old" kata perfect the first time being asked to do it in a while in class but still remember it to some extent)

I find it weird that your sensei apparently does not ask you to perform old katas from time to time. Though I must admit 5 MA at the same time must be confusing.

Try YouTube.com for any of your other katas that the others have not posted (if you at least know the name of them that is)... but be warned they might not be doing it in the way your school does or might just not know what they are doing but you should be able to tell which is which if you have ever done them before.

I found it a lil weird too that you aren't asked to perform old forms. We have to perform all our forms from white belt to our current grade every lesson (that's about 15 for me). Even if we just go through it once in the warm-up we will still go through the movements...

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Hmm.. i don't know why either. every belt test we are asked to present all the katas from white to the rank we are at now.But i have prevented myself for testing for black for some time now. For some reasons that probly won't make sence to alot of people :P

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