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Help/Advice needed...


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Hello all!

I have currently stopped training with the club I was with for 2 and a half years. I had done martial arts before I had joined this club, and had graded to 4th kyu since. Until I had got to a point where I felt my karate skill/knowledge was overtaking that of the sensei/s there, by quite a way.

This was probably because I train more often than them, and research more into karate as a whole.

The problem is that I cannot find many clubs around me, and those I can will probably have me start from white belt again. When I believe my skills to be much greater, from what I have seen.

Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on this?

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I would suggest letting go of your ego a bit. Your current attitude will only get you a smackdown at a school thats well trained and trains hard.

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I think everyone has got to humble themselves from time to time and this may be one of those times for you. The old "empty your cup" adage comes to mind. We have had blackbelts come from other schools and participate in our class with our Hanshi's permission and found out that they have barely touched the surface as to what can be learned in the Martial Arts. Our Hanshi has almost fifty years of experience and says he still learns something every time he comes to class, be it from a student or another blackbelt with a back ground in another style. Always have an open mind and be willing to learn. Maybe looking at another style would be good for you if you feel you have progressed to a satisfactory level at your current club. You can always ask the Sensei at another dojo if you can wear no belt if you feel uncomfortable wearing white again. Prove to them your skills and abilities and you may move up quickly, but don't expect them to let you come in wearing black. You have to prove yourself first. Good luck, I hope you find something that works for you.

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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Thanks for the advice, but cosidering that I used to train with GKR I don't think it is too bad.

The senseis there were younger than me, they weren't older more experienced guys either.

The problem is, that I haven't found a club that does train hard, or rather, well.

I have seen a few so far and have actually been quite disappointed, and I'm fully aware that I would be on the receiving end of 'smackdown' if I was too cocky.

I see so many great and knowledgeable karateka on the net and in books, yet I can't seem to find them!

I also think that there is thin line between ego, and knowing better. I am actually a rather humble, and peaceful person who trains diligently.

I am not an egotistical person whatsoever, just being truthful.

I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way, I just think that I didn't explain or provide enough information.

Maybe I just take my karate-do very seriously, and I am aiming for the highest standards, I just want to have a good knowledgable sensei.

I don't want to settle for anything mediocre, or the, dare I say the 'McDojo' I was with. All GKR did for me was to allow a hall in which I could train.

Yet again I am sorry if I came across wrong.

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Are these actual sensei or are they senior students? It doesn't seem like a 4th kyu would wind up surpassing the a 2nd+ dan instructor unless the quality of the school was really shoddy and the student had background in other arts.

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Are these actual sensei or are they senior students? It doesn't seem like a 4th kyu would wind up surpassing the a 2nd+ dan instructor unless the quality of the school was really shoddy and the student had background in other arts.

This is exactly it, most of the instructors in GKR are not black belts, they are senior students who wear a black and white belts.

Don't get me wrong, there are some good instructors in GKR, and I have one instructor in our whole region who I deem my sensei. (2nd dan).

It is all a bit shoddy, and I do have a background in karate, but I still have time to resolve this.

Maybe when I learn to drive I may have to travel a bit.

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Just a thought - have you tried the karate union of great britain? found at https://www.kugb.org

if you don't know anyting about them they are a large organisation with instructors varying from 2nd Dan to 8th Dan. They hold various competitions and courses and there is plenty of history and paraphenalia to get your teeth stuck into. There won't be a shortage of people who take karate very seriously either so it might suit you more (absolutely no disrespect to your previous instructors and clubs).

As for keeping your grade - well that be would up to the instructor and would depend on a few things like compatibility and recognition. I took a year and half out due to my work life overtaking everything and I started back with the same organisation but a different club. I had to start as a white belt but within about three months I was back to my 1st kyu grade and didn't have to retake.

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Just a thought - have you tried the karate union of great britain? found at https://www.kugb.org

if you don't know anyting about them they are a large organisation with instructors varying from 2nd Dan to 8th Dan. They hold various competitions and courses and there is plenty of history and paraphenalia to get your teeth stuck into. There won't be a shortage of people who take karate very seriously either so it might suit you more (absolutely no disrespect to your previous instructors and clubs).

As for keeping your grade - well that be would up to the instructor and would depend on a few things like compatibility and recognition. I took a year and half out due to my work life overtaking everything and I started back with the same organisation but a different club. I had to start as a white belt but within about three months I was back to my 1st kyu grade and didn't have to retake.

Funnily enough, I am waiting to hear back from them via e-mail. It's been a few days now.

I would like to train in either Goju or Shotokan, and I understand that it may be a while to earn the grading requirements.

Oh, and AngelaG, I think you may know me from another karate forum.

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