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Hi....As I told you.. I have been training in MMA.

Our school is member of the Budokan Luta livre organization , a luta livre ( non gi grappling ) worldwide organization. We do train adapted thai boxing techniques for MMA, but the school does not compete in M. thai.

We compete in grappling and MMA.

The head instructor want me to fight in a grappling tourney. He is kinda pushy about that.

I am studing law and antrophology..I also work and lift weights...Also I have to sleep and eat... My MMA training is just a hobby. I like it , but I dont have any dish about being a grappling champion or even compete.

The problem is that the institution is oriented toward competition (like most of MMA schools)., and all the guys who are ´´ready ´´. are asked to compete.... Obviusly that they can not force a guy to do that , but the instructor remains about the tourney every training day ....

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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do what you want. your instructor cannot make you compete, so if you dont want to, then dont.

people take martial arts for many different reasons. some people take MA's to stay in shape, build muscle, learn self defense, to compete in tournaments, to have fun...

your reason is different from other peoples reasons. if you didnt join martial arts to compete, thats fine, and your instructor shouldnt force you to

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do what you want. your instructor cannot make you compete, so if you dont want to, then dont.

people take martial arts for many different reasons. some people take MA's to stay in shape, build muscle, learn self defense, to compete in tournaments, to have fun...

your reason is different from other peoples reasons. if you didnt join martial arts to compete, thats fine, and your instructor shouldnt force you to[/quote

my point exactly

you must learn different combinations of techniques down to your very soul and they must come without thinking when you finish with one technique, you must immediately go into another until you have attained your goal which is to destroy the enemy.

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Perhaps he thinks you may do well if you do compete, and therefore is asking you to do so.

I can see why you do not want to. However, if it does not require anymore time than you already give, aside from taking the day to compete, then you may consider giving it a try. Who knows? You may enjoy it, and you might do well.

One great thing about competitions is that they are great learning experiences. However, if you really fell strongly about not competing, then stand your ground, and let you instructor know your feelings.

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If I want , I can stay and avoid the competition. But...the next one.. they will be pushing again.... They should note that..and stop trying...

Anyway...I am not that good at grapling , I just started a couple of months ago and it is far away from being a natural skill to me.

I was a swimer when younger...and use to compete in serius tournaments...I am kinda sick of the feeling and tension...

The worst thing is that the tourney is 300 miles away from my city.

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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It's your decision on what you want to do for your life in the martial arts. Some people have lots of time in their hands that they live on studying the martial arts which is not a problem. If they want to pursue a career in martial arts, so be it. You however are studying to be a lawyer and seem to have many goals coming for you that in my humble opinion, those goals are more important to you that you really don't have time to compete. I also think it's very important to keep those goals as they will come in handy later on.

Also, if they push you to get in competition, just tell them you're not interested in competing. What are they going to do? What's the worse thing that could happen? Nothing. I never competed either when I was studying. From having a Full Time job and being an artist, it's always important that i have income coming and keep my hobbies as well when I'm relaxing.

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