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Gay marriage/adoptions?

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Well, children are a responsibility, NOT a right. I don't think its a persons right to demand children, and if they're not willing to "do what it takes", someone should just hand them over.


If you're demanding the "right" to adopt, who's "right" are you talking about. Your own? What gives you the right to demand children as though they were health care vouchers or voting rights?


I'm sorry, but children are not voting rights to be dispensed equally to all, without regard to race, or the color of your eyes. They're not something to whinge about - "Its not fair, I want one too".


If you are worried for even one minute about "your" right, "your" freedom, you probably are not ready for the responsibility of raising children. It is not a vocation that allows much in the way of selfishness...


The focus should always be on "how can I provide the best possible environment for this child" even if it means sacrificing a good portion of your own life. I don't see much of this going on. All I see is another symptom of the "I want it All, and I want it Now!" disease which is slowly destroying civilization.



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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Hm. . . I posted this once, but I guess it didn't take.

Well, children are a responsibility, NOT a right. I don't think its a persons right to demand children, and if they're not willing to "do what it takes", someone should just hand them over.


If you're demanding the "right" to adopt, who's "right" are you talking about. Your own? What gives you the right to demand children as though they were health care vouchers or voting rights?


There's been nothing said about demanding children on this thread except for the apparently small lesbian group in Australia who want government to fund their in-vitro. Everyone else under discussion is demanding only that they be allowed to apply to adopt AND be judged by the same standards as straight people who want to adopt. Do I need to explain how ridiculously fair and obvious that is?

I'm sorry, but children are not voting rights to be dispensed equally to all, without regard to race, or the color of your eyes. They're not something to whinge about - "Its not fair, I want one too".


For the record, which race should be barred from adopting children, in your opinion? Which eye color? Mine are blue and my wife's are brown, so between us I fear our odds are slim.

If you are worried for even one minute about "your" right, "your" freedom, you probably are not ready for the responsibility of raising children. It is not a vocation that allows much in the way of selfishness...


What kind of fool dismisses human rights as "selfishness?" I bet you enjoy free speech, you selfish thing, you. Parenting is also a vocation that requires that you set an example for your child to follow in life. Teaching your child to accept being treated as an untermensch just because some people have to ask a book what they should think about everything would not be doing the kid any favors.

The focus should always be on "how can I provide the best possible environment for this child" even if it means sacrificing a good portion of your own life. I don't see much of this going on.


Oh, for the love of . . . . you know, some people would think it would be more difficult to provide the best possible environment for the child if you are never allowed to give the child a home in the first place.


Do you believe this stuff you've posted? ZakariRu, same question. You lost me on the big curve back there. You do or do not find the fact that I have sex with my own wife in my own bedroom appalling? That would be rather a stupid attitude, wouldn't it?




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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Do you believe this stuff you've posted? ZakariRu, same question. You lost me on the big curve back there. You do or do not find the fact that I have sex with my own wife in my own bedroom appalling? That would be rather a stupid attitude, wouldn't it?


Hes definitely not catholic :wink: or christian for that matter.

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If you have some solid evidence that being adopted by gay people does harm to a child, THEN and ONLY THEN you MIGHT have the right to bar gay people from adopting. Would you bar people who smoke? People who drink? People who would like to take the kid fishing or teach him to play basketball (that's dangerous stuff--kids get killed and hurt doing that stuff!)


Actually I'd love to bar people who smoke from having kids, and people who drink more than a reasonable amount. Along with that may as well get the child abusers and people who drink and drive.




Pil Sung

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ZakariRU, hold on a minute. I'm going to see if someone can translate that last one for me.


Can someone help me out here? When Z talks about "he," is he referring to me, a hypothetical example, or one of you?


How does he know I'm not a Catholic? I know lots of Catholics and either they have sex with their wives or they're awful liars. Well, probably both.


Not a Christian? Because I mentioned sex with my wife? I mean, maybe I was unclear. She is my WIFE. We were MARRIED. By a MINISTER. I have a signed certificate around here somewhere. I was under the impression that Christianity considered marriage binding.


Not so? Perhaps I've just been doing it wrong (Christianity, that is.)




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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CKStudent, they let known child abusers adopt children where you live? That seems . . . . odd. Are you sure?


Be careful about setting yourself up as Prince of the Universe. The problem with drinking a "reasonable" amount is the same as "reasonable gun control."


Who gets to define what is reasonable?




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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They don't let them adopt, but they let them have kids in the first place. That's usually how they find out, a lot of the time they find out too late.


Reasonable meaning not coming home staggering every night. There are probably very few people who will argue that getting completely drunk each and every night is reasonable.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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On 2002-07-23 02:49, Don Gwinn wrote:




ZakariRU, hold on a minute. I'm going to see if someone can translate that last one for me.


Can someone help me out here? When Z talks about "he," is he referring to me, a hypothetical example, or one of you?


How does he know I'm not a Catholic? I know lots of Catholics and either they have sex with their wives or they're awful liars. Well, probably both.


Not a Christian? Because I mentioned sex with my wife? I mean, maybe I was unclear. She is my WIFE. We were MARRIED. By a MINISTER. I have a signed certificate around here somewhere. I was under the impression that Christianity considered marriage binding.


Not so? Perhaps I've just been doing it wrong (Christianity, that is.)


hehehehe im just Trolling along with sex for pleasure in any sense being immoral. Its sinful, sinfull, sinful, sinfull,

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