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Gay marriage/adoptions?

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Don Gwinn - I confess (mea culpa) that I am shocked to see your broad-minded views on this one. That's what you get for forming opinions too quickly! (me, I mean!)


Good on you, Redneck!




My karma will run over your dogma


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I'm a city girl, actually, originally from Chicago. (Where the heck is "Virden"??) And yes, I have my prejudices, but your broad, fond definition of "redneck" doesn't match mine. It's all about the connotations. Rednecks are supposed to be mean scary homophobic guys who wish we still had lynchings, address all women as "get me a beer honey," think alcohol and hunting go hand in hand, and so on. IF this described you, THEN I'd agree you were a redneck. If it described you and you were from the east or west coast, I guess you'd just be a jerk.


Anyway, off-topic again. Maybe you're the kinder gentler redneck of the new millenium.

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Thank you, Bitseach. We may learn many things from each other before we're done here.


CCH, with all due respect, your definition of "redneck" is an old one not used by most people who actually know rednecks. "Redneck" was meant to be a pejorative term the landed gentry in the South used to refer to people who were low and contemptible because their class worked with their hands in the outdoors for a living (thus developing sunburns and red necks.) Basically, a snob term. However, it was used by people who, despite their greater wealth, privilege and education, had most of the attitudes you associate with a redneck.


Virden is about half an hour South of Springfield. If you drive South on I-55 from Chicago you pass within a few miles of it.


We all have our stereotypes. Personally, I have a . . . . less than kind attitude toward Chicago city slickers. I know this is wrong, but it's there. I know some nice people there, but most seem so helpless and at the same time so arrogantly certain that everything South of I-80 is wasteland populated by inbred mouth-breathers.


My mother works for the Department of Conservation, and they once called the Chicago office to ask for volunteers to work at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. The woman who answered the phone gushed "Oh, I'll volunteer I've never been out of the state before!" :eek:


I'm sure you're a nice person, but you had the misfortune of having Chicago represented by my in-laws and my old college roommate ("You know, down here, when night falls, it gets really. . . .DARK!")


On the issue of homosexuality, I don't really have an opinion one way or another. I simply mind my own business. I find that a man who minds his own business need not spend a lot of time figuring out how to bend others to his will.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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In Australia there are almost no babies available for adoption. I recently got statistics from (from someone trying to adopt) - about 9 babies available, several hundred prospective parents. Criteria are SO high that most adopt babies from Asia instead.


However, lesbian couples are demanding the right to free (govt. paid) in-vitro fertilization... Not too sure about this. People can do as they please, but sometimes I feel that that is one lifestyle choice where you have to accept the natural consequences, so to speak. Takes two to tango - I don't want to see men made obsolete by machinery... :sad: (That's just my male pride speaking, of course)


My own parents were divorced, and the older I get, the more I cannot deny that a healthy yin/yang balance (mother and father) simply has to be the best environment for a child.


Here is an interesting statistic. In China the "birth" rate is 140 boys for every 100 girls. This imbalance is an accelerating trend, with more and more boys born over time.


Assuming society norms of one husband per wife are observed, we are going to see a LOT of lonely old Chinese men, or a lot of gay Chinese men, or both, in the near future.


And none of these poor men even have a single brother or sister to turn to for comfort... :cry:

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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the adam and steve thing was a joke my R.E told me once, the thing about gay adoption is if you dont mind gay people they should be able to adopt, if you hate gay people they shouldn't be able to adopt.
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What reason could you possibly have for hating gay people?


If you like gay people, they should be able to adopt.


If you don't like gay people, too bad. Mind your own business. It's an exhilarating way to live your life.


If you have some solid evidence that being adopted by gay people does harm to a child, THEN and ONLY THEN you MIGHT have the right to bar gay people from adopting. Would you bar people who smoke? People who drink? People who would like to take the kid fishing or teach him to play basketball (that's dangerous stuff--kids get killed and hurt doing that stuff!)




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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Damn i hate hetrosexuals.....


I find homosexuals exaclty as appalling as i find hetrosexuals that have sex with out aims of reproduction. then again i was raised catholic.


I dont think anyone not planning on having children should have sex, or get married for that matter.


As for adoption if a couple wants to raise a child god bless them. give them all the starving babies they want. from america or china.



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That's quite a miserable view of human sexuality. If you had your way you'd condemn people who are physically unable to have children to a life of solitude just to make sure they don't experience sexual pleasure?? Wow...as I'm not planning on offspring I guess I ought to just shoot myself now and get it over with...

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lol. Way to assume everything.


I said i find it exaclty as appalling.


That doesnt mean i find it appalling :wink: bwahhahahahahaha


from a moral stand point yes that is how i feel. but in my entire life i have yet to live up to my own moral standards.


I wasnt saying people who dont plan on reproducing shouldnt be close to people i just said they have no buisness having sex. you dont have to be alone. your just forbiddin to get cha freak on.

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