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Breaking boards/bricks/whatever in public.

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You should do the demonstration. They can be alot of fun and it is a type of "positive advertisement" for the school and your instructor. Breaking boards, i believe is generally a very tiny percentage of what is taught at a school, but at a public demonstration, it is impressive to those who are watching. I don't believe it should be a focus of the demonstration, but it is a nice thing to end a good "show" with.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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Where can i get a red, white and blue uniform with a stitched dragon on it.... :bawling:

My tkd instructor made us demo or participate in a tourney 2 times at each gup level. this was at first irritating. And I didn't like it. Then, since it was required, I started to embrace it. I challenged myself like crazy. I came up with all sorts of comical ways to make the break fun and exciting. I have seen people come out with fake dynamite and act tlike they were gonna blow up the bricks. I once made a brick costume…. I was the brick. I hid offstage while another person was doing a brick break. I came out in my brick costume and said my name was BRICK A BRACK. I then chased the other guy around the gym with a wooden sword and yelled that I was going to avenge my brick family. He had no idea what I was going to do….. that’s what made it better. The look on his face as better than the audience. Good luck and do the demo.

place clever martial arts phrase here

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usually my studios only do demos three to four times per year and they are usually to promote the school and just have something cool to look at so most of the time we are suppose to look show offy and amazing to attract people, and most of the time that seems to be the intent so it doesnt phase me.

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The ultimate purpose of a demo is to show what your style is capable of. Granted, it is entertainment to a certain extent, and most people are going to tune out if it is just showing basics and form.

However, I also don't believe in going too far on the other extreme and doing things that have little to no practical application (backflips, gymnastics, fire breaks etc.) In other words, XMA. Extreme martial arts for the uninitiated. I am willing to compromise on the uniforms, as long we are not talking gold lame and sequins.

If you are breaking boards, bricks, and patio blocks, you are demonstrating to people the inherent power of certain techniques in a way that is impractical for sparring. Know anyone that cares to stand still and allow you to break his ribs or jaw? Me neither.

There is no martial arts without philosophy.

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People that are amazed bythis just usually have un-experienced eyes or mind,

I think mabye you should have fun with MA and mabye just show off a little, I show off a little myself

A drop of sweat spent in practice is a drop of blood saved in a battle.

A person who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the man doing it.

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I agree with Jeet Kune Do, showing the public what you can do in Martial Arts, once you set your mind to it is pretty cool. I am still amazed at how cool they think it is. I always use an elbow because it's easier for me, I have about a 5in. wrist, so an elbow is safe. It is one of the easiest breaks but people are so impressed :o They can't imagine doing this, that's where we have to convince them that they can and they will!!

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


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