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How long untill you go up in rank?


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I was wondering how long in general does/did it take you and your fellow practitioners to be given a belt test?

for yellow/orange/green/first blue/second blue all the way to the 1st dan.

"If you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it'll spread over into the rest of your life. It'll spread over into your work, into your mortality, into your entire being. There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you."

Bruce Lee

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Each system varies in their requirements for rank advancement, and that can vary from dojo to dojo.

These are the "guidelines" we use. They are by no means set in stone, but guidelines for a minimum amount of time in each rank before being able to advance. I've never seen, nor condone, skipping ranks in our system.

10 kyu - 7th kyu: Minimum of 2 months in each rank.

6th - 4th kyu: Minimum of 3 months in each rank.

3rd - 1st kyu: Minimum of 4 months in each rank.

1st Dan - 2nd Dan: Minimum of 2 years rank.

I've rarely promoted anyone earlier than this guideline. The lower kyu ranks (10-7th) can be done easily enough, but I expect more hard work and effort with each belt advancement. If I see it, they advance, if not..they don't. I've had one student that has been a 3rd kyu for over 8 years now. He's reached a plateau and just can't seem to get past it.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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I've had one student that has been a 3rd kyu for over 8 years now. He's reached a plateau and just can't seem to get past it.

I have seen this happen before as well. One idea is to grade the student, and you will find they will gain motivation again from the grading and excel :)

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Depends on not only your Sensei, but how often classes can be held and how hard people train on their own.

Under my Sensei- he had one exceptional guy that made it to shodan in 4 years (and he was impressive- till he injured his back working), average is more like 6-7. That was with classes 3 times a week, 2 hours per class.

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Between 6-8 months from 8th to 1st kyu, depending on ability, time spent training, motivation etc. Could be a year or more from 1st kyu to shodan. Once you hit 3rd kyu there's suddenly a whole lot more to learn, and perfecting the techniques becomes more important.

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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We do 3 months and 30 - 2 hr classes. But thats not set in stone if you better and a few classes short fine if your not so good then it could take longer.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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As you can see, it varies significantly. Most belts at my school take at least 6 months. Not the first two, perhaps, but after that you stay put for a while. Like the belt I'm at now I've been at for about 9 months. The belts before that were maybe 5-6 months. It all depends on upon the person, how hard they're working and what they're learning, and their instructor.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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In Shotokan, the average was about 4 to 8 months between ranks. From Purple to brown and brown to black the average wait was about 7 to 12 months. That's for 8 kyu ranks. (white orange yellow blue green purple brown and brown stripe)

In Aiki Jujitsu, kobudo, and chuan fa it took about a year to a year and a half between ranks. 3 kyu ranks. (white green and brown)

In BJJ it takes about two and a half to three years for each rank. (white blue purple brown)

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Like everyone else has said it varies from school to school, organization to organization... but to give you a lil more info on how it can vary this is how my schools *minimums* go:

White to Yellow: 4 months

Yellow to Orange: 4 months

Orange to Green: 4 months

Green to Blue: 4 months

Blue to Purple: 4 months

Purple to Red: 8 months

Red to Brown: 8 months

Brown to Brown w/1 stripe: 1 year

Brown w/1 stripe to Brown w/2 stripes: 1 year

Brown w/2 stripes to Shodan: 2 years

So as you can see... takes quite a bit of time in my schools system to get to shodan... a good 7 years (and i think I may have even missed something in that list)... and thats only *IF* you are "ready" to test at each minimum time period and thats also only *IF* you manage to pass every time you test... some schools it only takes 2 years (though that seems rather low to me) so if youre wondering before you try it out how long it'll take to get to black belt, varies on the school... varies on the system. Youd be better off asking the schools you are interested in *approximately* how long it might take... but at least we have given you some guidlines.

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