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Guys are ther any Forum Colleagues from Manchester UK on here. I would love to meet up etc. I'd love to see how different styles work etc especially coming from an Ashihara Background with influences of Wado Ryu involved

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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Guys are ther any Forum Colleagues from Manchester UK on here. I would love to meet up etc. I'd love to see how different styles work etc especially coming from an Ashihara Background with influences of Wado Ryu involved

Wow, Ashihara and Wado, now there's a mix you don’t hear of very often. Sort of opposite ends of the Karate spectrum really.

What aspects of Wado influence your Ashihara Karate training, or is it the other way round? I am Interested as I am a student of Wado for 20 years, but harbour a secret admiration for Kyokushin, of which I believe Ashihara is an off-shoot.

"The difference between the possible and impossible is one's will"

"saya no uchi de katsu" - Victory in the scabbbard of the sword. (One must obtain victory while the sword is undrawn).




Zashin sama, I don't feel Wado and Ashihara are oposite ends of the spectrum, I actually feel that the similarities of the styles (apart from the kata) is amazing, both work on tai sakaki, both work on throws etc. if we look at the lineage of both styles Shotokan is a root for each. If I didn't know about the lineage of Ashihara I would say from practicing both styles (also teaching Ashihara) I would have said Ashihara was an offshot of Wado, from the Tai Sabaki point of view.

If you not too far away from me PM me or email me on dobbersky@hotmail.co.uk as you are welcome to attend my dojo to see how Ashihara works

My respects


"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)


Hi Dobbersky,

To be truthful, I probably don't know enough about Ashihara to pass comment on their similarities, so you are in a better position than me. However, principles like Tai-sabaki and throws are not exclusive to Wado or Kyokushin / Ashihara. All karate (okinawan / Japanese) employ these methods.

Also, it is perhaps a bit of a misconception that Wado has its origins in Shotokan. The core of Wado is based on Shindo Yoshin-Ryu Jujitsu.

Ohtsuka sensei blended this mainly with Shorin Ryu karate, from which Shotokan evolved (in the most part).

Of course, Ohtsuka did train with Funakoshi but it is my understanding that they parted company before the style of Shotokan was officially registered.

That aside, I take your point that the Japanese "Ju" principles are observed in both styles.

And if my work takes me to your neck of the woods I would gladly accept your invite.



"The difference between the possible and impossible is one's will"

"saya no uchi de katsu" - Victory in the scabbbard of the sword. (One must obtain victory while the sword is undrawn).


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