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Sparring techniques for opening up / confusing your opponent


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I've been starting to work techniques into sparring to open up my opponent so I can get some shots in.

I tried one that worked yesterday, basically raising the front foot a few inches off the ground 5 or six times as if to maegeri, its got my partners attention and I could see him watching, ready for the kick, then very quickly coming in with a roundhouse jodan with the rear leg, worked very well, no guard on that side.

So, does anyone have any other techniques?



1st Dan Black Belt Traditional Shotokan Karate

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Your on the right track using something repeatedly to get your opponent thinking you are going to do that then doing something else.

Keep it simple. Work your lead hand alot and you will find many things flow from there.

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Very true. Just throw something, like a back leg round kick. Watch how they react, especially if it becomes a habit for them. Then, you can work feints to open up other areas.

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I've been starting to work techniques into sparring to open up my opponent so I can get some shots in.

I tried one that worked yesterday, basically raising the front foot a few inches off the ground 5 or six times as if to maegeri, its got my partners attention and I could see him watching, ready for the kick, then very quickly coming in with a roundhouse jodan with the rear leg, worked very well, no guard on that side.

So, does anyone have any other techniques?



i dont know what belt you are... but i can personally say that if you try that in the brown or black belt division you will most likely get crushed...

one thing that works outright everytime is taunting.... If you are confidant in your ability to score, open yourself up and flash targets to your opponent, soon they will get mad and throw a spastic attack in hopes of hitting one of your open spots... simply close the spot and counter attack. works like a charm

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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Thing is what works for me prob. won't work for you and so on. We each got to find our best combo or set of combo's.

However i agree with the above posters that you need to find your best move (whatever it is) and you build your attacks off it.

EX you did lead leg front over and over then came with the round. Can you throw a hook or crecent kick with that front leg while making it still look like a front snap?

Remember to keep the hands in the attacka backfist and jab are great weapons that ofen beginners forget about they become kick happy. Use the Jab and Backfist with that front snap and then bring in the lunge punch and round kick or revers punch round kick.

Just play with it and what works well today will not tomarrow because your buddy is not dumb and he will change as you do if he is any good.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I find acting like Curly in the 3 stooges confuses the heck out of em :D

Sorry, couldn't resist :)

Actually, I do something similar to this that works a lot of the time...throw both of my hands in the air and KIAI real loudly then front snap kick...startles the hell out of them. You can't do it often, but now and then it really does work! :brow:

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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