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Hello from Okinawa!!

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Hi! I'm an American training in Okinawa! I've been here about a year now, and will be returning home soon. If anyone knows a good dojo in the Kansas City area, I'd love to hear about it!

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What a great opportunity! Welcome!

You suck-train harder.......................Don't block with your face

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

-Lao Tzu

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Welcome! :D

...I would sooo love to visit Okinawa

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Currently studying Kobayashi Shorin Ryu. I have a tournament next month on the 17th, where I'll be competing in kata, kobudo, and full contact kumite. I'm currently a nikyu.

The experience here in Okinawa has been awesome, and my fear is that the culture shock of going back into an American dojo is going to be pretty severe. I'm not really sure what to do. I mean, I would love to continue with this style, but that will more than likely mean training on my own, or I can go to another dojo, which will mean changing styles *again*. Not only that, but I've come far enough in my training to realize that there really aren't that many good dojos out there, that train traditionally (though they all claim to unless they made up the style themselves!), and that really know what it is that they claim to teach. Do you know how many instructors out there couldn't even begin to show you the bunkai to their most basic kata? And I'm afraid that finding a traditional school that also knows something about full contact is also going to be pretty tough.

I know there are good dojos out there, I'm just hoping I find one. Any help would be appreciated.

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i agree with you totally. i had so much trouble finding a traditional school. i wanted to train in an okinawan style, but there are only about 3 schools on all of long island. all the other schools are all modern, mma, mixed, made up styles. we have 2 isshin ryu schools and one matsubayashi shorin ryu school (none of which are near me). its ridiculous how hard it is to find a good ole dojo. the most traditional dojo on LI is probably a shotokan dojo near me, but i dont want to take shotokan. im just gonna wait till next year when i get my drivers license to go to the isshin and shorin ryu schools and see what they are like. they are like a 45-hour long drive which i wouldnt mind, but my mom has cancer and its hard for her to get up and drive me places, plus my dad is always working so i have no way to get there now.

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Welcome to KF! It is always good to see another KS local come on board. Or are you from KC MO? Either way, I hope you find something that you are looking for when you get back. A google search may find something for you.

Welcome! :karate:

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