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Apprentice Black Belt Stories

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Hello Everyone,


I just received my apprentice belt in TSD last week, and despite all the debate about the good, bad and ugly of belt systems, I am excited to enter this phase of my training. I really like all the attention to detail I am receiving from my instructors, but I am always nervous now in class. Anyone have any advice or good stories, or challenges they faced? I am also interested in what types of physical requirements other people had to pass for their black belt test. (running, pushups, etc.) Does your school require you to help teach? Any other interesting requirements? thanks



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In our school, we have to take a written test, write an essay, box, run, do pushup, situps , create a form, as well as know all current and all past material to test for our black belt. The testing takes place over four days. We also have to create a personal challenge to be completed on the last day of black belt testing. I was just interested in what others have to do for their final test or if they had any traditions associated with being an apprentice black belt. does this help? Sorry if I was unclear.


[ This Message was edited by: Mamutti on 2002-05-27 05:31 ]

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When I took TSD, I "helped out" with the BB test. Which means, I was basically a "counter". I would count how many push-ups, sit-ups, ect that someone did. The endurance test was pretty grueling. You had to do push-ups, sit-ups, jump kicks of all kinds, regular kicks of all kinds, jumping jacks, jump rope, spar two to three on one, ect.


The next day, you would have to do the "regular test" which was everything you learn thus far (I mean EVERYTHING) from forms to one-step sparring, self defense, ect. Plus do a two page essay.


They graded you like this: 20 or so push-ups was a "C", 30 or so was a "B" 40 or so was an "A". The same went for all the kicks, ect. There were different number (grading) ranges for different things.



Laurie F

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In one style I was in, we had to attend discipline camp to advance to blackbelt. We were required to stay at the do jang and train for 24 hours straight. This was an extreme test of our mental ability. I never ended up testing for my black, since I left that do jang.


Well, for my upcoming 2nd dan test, I am required to make up my own techniques. I have to create a form/pattern and create kicking and punching combinations. Also, i have to break a stack of boards and do 3 kicks in the air. My upcoming black belt test does not so much test our physical ability, but our technical ability. Well, all schools are different!



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