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That and other sacrifice throws wind up with you on top of the guy, not just propelling them away.

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In judo they can be great- in a real fight... I'd avoid because you never know what shard of glass or pointy rock is somewhere below you and you just didn't notice.

that is a very overused 'excuse'. having bounced in clubs, I have gone to the ground both on the club floor and on concrete outside of the club. I have NEVER landed on glass, pointy rocks, etc. contrary to popular belief. Yes, these things can happen, but they, IME, are the exception, not the rule.

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My dad told me once that he successfully pulled a technique like this off in a fight. He said it was effective, too. No fight left in that guy.

in the state judo shiai a few years ago, I won 2nd place with that throw.

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My dad told me once that he successfully pulled a technique like this off in a fight. He said it was effective, too. No fight left in that guy.

in the state judo shiai a few years ago, I won 2nd place with that throw.

Very cool. I would have payed to see both instances!

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so heres the deal sacrafice throws really do not work all that well unless you have the right leverage. people commonly think that a sacrafice throw is just throwing their body weight around and it isn't it is actually a technique! no kidding!

shodan - Shotokan

Blue Belt - Jiu-Jitsu

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care the themself without that law is both. For wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven-- such is the rule of Honor.

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so heres the deal sacrafice throws really do not work all that well unless you have the right leverage. people commonly think that a sacrafice throw is just throwing their body weight around and it isn't it is actually a technique! no kidding!

I am not sure that anyone thought this of the technique. Just about all of the judo throws are based on some level of technical skill, including sac throws.

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i can't speak to its effectiveness in an actual street confrontation, as the reliance on gripping the shirt would make it necessary that the shirt be strong enough to handle the force and not just tear away.

however, during randori, i find the sac throw (heal on front of thigh) to a full mount, then front roll back to a standing position gives me great spacing. however, if the enemy hasn;'t had the wind knocked out of him from the fall, he may have the presence of mind to hook and ankle to stop you fromrolling off.

Also the sacrifice throw, to full mount, to forward roll = ALOT of spent energy. so you better be sure the one you sac threw was the most dangerous of the bunch.

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