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Who do you train with?

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Oh, I see. That explains it. Just to clarify, I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers or anything. I guess I'm spoiled by training in an all BJJ school now.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Most schools list their instructors as a matter of respect and to show how close their liniage is to the Gracie family.

I've always wondered why everyone in BJJ is so obsessed (maybe obsessed is too harsh a word) with lineage. I've been doing BJJ for about 3 1/2 years now, and my instructor is a level 9 certified instructor under David Meyers, who I believe goes back to one Gracie or another, but I've never cared enough to check. (And by level 9 I do NOT in any way mean a 9th dan. David Meyers Program is just structured into 9 levels and doesn't really use colored belts. He leaves that up to the instructors he certifies.)

No disrespect to the Gracies or any instructor or master, but honestly, why does everyone care about lineage so much? Just because you studied under someone who studied under someone else, who etc. etc. does that say anything about how you, or your instructor for that matter performs BJJ?

I know there's a lot of respect in every MA, and the Gracies are revered, and deservedly so, but when it comes right down to it, if I'm rolling/training/teaching/learning with someone, I don't care who they are, or who their lineage goes back to. I'm in it to learn all I can, and I've never known someone's lineage to make them a better practitioner or instructor. Just wondering where the fervor is coming from here.

Tae Kwon Do - 3rd Dan, Instructor

Brazilian Ju Jitsu - Purple Belt, Level 1 Instructor

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Ottman, I think you're right to reserve some skepticism for the value of lineage, but the way I see it, it's a sort of fraud detector. Because I can see my instructor's lineage, if I am concerned with the authenticity of his claimed rank and expertise, I can, if I want, call up Rigan Machado (or one of his people) and ask. If I am concerned with Rigan's authenticity, I could go up the tree to Carlos Gracie Jr, etc etc. Most good instructors don't just appear out of nowhere. Of course, some do, and it would be wrong to say "no lineage == he sucks". But if the guy was claiming a specific rank, like a BJJ black belt, I would want to know where he got it and who from.

Battling biomechanical dyslexia since 2007

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Good points, gzk. It goes back to accreditation and certification. It can be kind of like a quality check, in a way. However, Ottman, you are right in that you say it doesn't really mean anything any different. Some are just proud of their "Martial Family Tree."

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