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Has kickboxing got anything that Muay Thai hasn't!

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Not necessarily.. A thai boxer has to get in close before he can use elbows, knees & clinch..


You're saying the more techniques someone has compared to someone else, the better their chances of winning a fight ?


I can do a few fancy kicks which aren't from pure kickboxing, does that mean I'm gonna win against a pure kickboxer just because I know more techniques ?


The quote I heard on the forum before sums this up nicely..


I do not fear the man who has 1000 different kicks once, but the man who has practiced 1 kick 1000 times.



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No, definately not. Thai Boxers and kickboxers are very alike. They are both trained in power and strengh, especially Thai Boxers who are trained to take a lot of punishment. Can you see where I'm coming from. If you took a kickboxer and put him up against some karate man even though the karate man has a lot more techniques the kickboxer is trained differently to him. But Thai Boxers and kickboxers are trained in the same area, strengh, power and speed. I was only wandering what you lot thought. I post these sought of questions coz people at my kickboxing club are absessed with fighting other styles of martial arts.



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It depend on which rules the figthers use.


Almost all the time kickboxers have won against Thai boxers with kickboxing rules the same works for thai boxers when they fight against kickboxers with Thai Boxing rules..


In the streets , its not style is the Man.. :smile:

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the reson thai boxers win at thai boxing is cos the lear more how to fight "real" and it is closed to a real fight.


it is like expecting someone that does bjj to win a point karate comp. they wont cos they don train with the limitations. an the specific technics that win points.


But in the street a thai boxer is more likly to win as they are used to a more realistic fighting style.



"perfection, is something we all get closer too with training, but you will never get there and untill you accept this your mind will be limited in what you can achive"

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  • 9 months later...

I do not fear the man who has 1000 different kicks once, but the man who has practiced 1 kick 1000 times.


I always say that because my TSD instructor told us a story similar to that quote ;) I think I might put that in my sig ;)

Laurie F

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Done hehehehehe. Ok back to the subject. I totally agree with Sub. Thai boxing and Kickboxing is similar. Both kick, and punch, but Thai boxers use knees and elbows.


It does depend on the rules, somewhat. I do agree with that. I think if I sparred with TSD rules against a WTF'er, I'd win. Only because TSD rules allow hand techniques and head contact. But If I did the same under WTF rules, I'd loose. Because no hand techniques are allowed, and I'm much faster with my hands than I am with my feet. I do WTF now, too! I stink at WTF sparring, but in TSD, I'm good at it.


So it all depends on the fighter. In the street, there are no rules. If you train hard, and work hard, you will be a good fighter. So train hard! ;)

Laurie F

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