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Uppercut Punch


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I would do the uppercut like a boxer does it. From your guard position, after setting up with a few other punches, draw that hand back a little, keep the arm bent at 90 degrees, and then launch the punch. As you punch, rise up into it with your legs at impact. If you can get your opponent to double over, it makes a great blow into the solar plexus.

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The uppercut is more of a boxing punch than a punch found in karate. It is extremely powerful and is considered one of the most dangerous punches to both throw and be hit with.

If done properly, your elbow should stay very close to your body. Try putting a pair of socks in your armpit while throwing it. If you drop the socks while throwing the punch, you're reaching out too far. It's meant to be thrown at an attacker at very close range.

Step 1: Assume a left side forward stance. The legs should be flexed but relaxed.

Step 2: Begin by lowering your level keeping both fists at the level of the chin. You should lower your level by bending your legs, not bending your back.

Step 3: Begin to rotate your right (rear) hip forward and slightly extend your right hand. Your wrist should turn so the back of your hand faces the opponent. Remember, don't reach for the target. As you begin your rotation you also begin to raise your level again.

Step 4: Aim for either the solar plexus or the chin of the opponent. The arm should remain at a very acute (less than 90 degree) angle the whole time and the elbow should remain very close to the body (Remember the socks).

The power of the punch comes from the legs, not swinging the arm. Actually, all the arm does is go along for the ride.

Important point* While throwing an uppercut your face is wide open to the hook! Remember to bring your fist back to your chin immediately after throwing the technique.

Hope this helps. Here's a good tutorial from a Muay Thai school on You Tube:


Personally, I think it shows a little too much reaching, but it gives you an idea to work with.


This one is a good look at what your legs should do. His arm is a little too far from the body though and his wrist dosen't turn.

Hope this helps. Train safely and with the proper gear.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Oh yeah!!! Welcome to the Forum!!! Where are my manners?

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Those are great explanations and demonstration videos, ps1. I couldn't have described it that well. Now, I think I can. Thanks a bunch!

Thanks. I had to think a while about how to word it properly.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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