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Chito Ryu - Considering, but advice first?


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Hello everyone,

I've been reading through the boards and have seen similar questions like this - so hope you don't mind yet another (although I wager the answers may be similar) :)

I am female, 30 years old and shamefully overweight (twice my "normal" bodyweight). I walk daily and do strength training and have managed to cull 30 lbs off over the past couple of months - but obviously have much further to go.

I do not know much about martial arts or Chito Ryu other then what I can read online or through the dojo's website, however, what I've read has piqued an interest and I am considering signing up for a beginner class that is happening over the summer.

Do you think it would be possible for this short, "weighty" but committed lady to be successful in a class such as Chito Ryu?

There will be an aerobic component to the class which will help me in attaining a more desirable fitness level...but I don't want to take the class and end up looking like a total fool if you know what I mean.

Thanks in advance for any advice, support or comments! :)

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Welcome to the Forums! :karate:

I think that if you get into the class, and just go with it, that you will enjoy it. Everyone feels ackward when they first start out in the Martial Arts. You will be teaching your body to things that it has never done before, and you will be sore with muscles that you didn't know that you had! :lol:

When it is all said and done, I think you will be happy with the decision to start. Best of luck on the journey! :karate:

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Thanks for that Bushido - I think you're right in that I will most likely enjoy it - I just need to do it (oh man, starting to sound like a Nike commercial!!). Plus side is, there's a month until the first class of this new session so that's a month on my side to at least building some cardio endurance beforehand!

Logically I know that I should be able to be successful in this class - even if it will feel awkward and painful at times...there is always that little twinge of "eek!" when starting something new.

I guess the only other 'obstacle' will be uniforms - I'll need to find out what they expect people to wear to class in case I need to special order one...bleh.

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They may have the size of uniform you need on hand when you start. Just check with the instructor when you get there. In case he doesn't have one, wear some sweats or a jogging suit to work out in until you can get one.

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i think anybody can do martial arts and recieve a benefit from it. i would never say no to anyone interested in MA. if you want to try it, then i say go for it. even though you might not be able to do all the pushups or situps or whatever, if you give 100%, you should be very proud of yourself. there is no way you can join that chito ryu school and not learn something to your benefit. remember, you are not doing this for anyone else, you are doing this for you. if karate is something you want to do, you will benefit from it in many ways. you will lose weight, gain friends, learn how to protect yourself, and most importantly, become a happier person.

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i think anybody can do martial arts and recieve a benefit from it. i would never say no to anyone interested in MA. if you want to try it, then i say go for it. even though you might not be able to do all the pushups or situps or whatever, if you give 100%, you should be very proud of yourself. there is no way you can join that chito ryu school and not learn something to your benefit. remember, you are not doing this for anyone else, you are doing this for you. if karate is something you want to do, you will benefit from it in many ways. you will lose weight, gain friends, learn how to protect yourself, and most importantly, become a happier person.

What you say makes alot of sense. Having two kids under five years old, I have forgotten what it feels like to do things for myself - and this would be a great opportunity for that.

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I think that if you want to do something just get out there and do it.

The only limitations that stand in your way are the ones that your own mind puts there. As long as you exceed your own goals no-one can ever tell you that you're not trying hard enough or putting enough effort in. Your instructor will understand that you are doing your best and that's all that counts. :D

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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