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For what reasons do people fight?

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I think people fight out of hurt Pride. They need justification to make them fell better by kicking the crap out of somebody. They’re a lot of psychological factors. Ranging from low self esteem to mentally abused people. :)
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Well I am new to this forum and I read this post and it actually made me think. Now I am a twenty two year old man who is trained as an amatuer boxer, as for martial arts experance, I was never really geared to it until later when I met a few friends. Friends who are now Gracie JJ instructors. Now I have never actually taken any real JJ classes, but in six years of being friends with these people one person in paticular I have learned a great deal and consider myself a grappler. Not a JJ artist but a grappler. When I was younger I was a very angry kid. Grew up skinny, I was 5'8 88 lbs till freshman year and I got picked on to know end. Then I started boxing, I hit my groth spurt and things got better, I didn't get picked on much anymore. But I got in fights, and the majority of fights I got in were over Males getting physical with Females. hitting, shoving choking, That is what through me over the edge. It never failed I saw it, I was gonna be the hero. I heard about, I was gonna find the kid. Now people say it is subcontiuous, becuase of my father when I was young, he and my mom had a bad bad situtation but I dunno. My point is, and I know I have drug it out long enough. Everyone has that thing that sends them over. The thing that lights their fuse, and I think for a lot of people it can be a lot of diffrent things. But I don't think there is one reason people fight, but one thing that causes a specific person to fight over and over when they do? Absolutly.

Sometimes Action Is Called For. This Is One Of Those Times.

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In my wild days (when I was a 10 year old girl) I remember I would fight a lot. Frustration cause another kid wouldn't do what I demanded or anything little could turn into a fight. And then ... disaster :D I remember I loved to fight and usually hit excesivelly hard (I enjoyed it. hmmmm weird. That's why now I try to control my wild instincts. I could be a murderer and not even know it :D ) When we would play, we would grapple. I loved it too and now when I'm put against others in a grapple match (we do this also at Shotokan, so don't say we are not rounded :D ) my partners have a real hard time and usually end up to the ground.


Now I fight just in the dojo. I do it with controll and try new tricks ...


On the streets I would fight only if there would be no other possibility.


Why do people fight? Instinct, anger, frustration, after heavilly consuming drugs or alcohol, because another would look at their "woman", because they are uneducated, uncivilised, stupid, animals and so on. In normal circumstances a person would avoid a conflict. The new society model doesn't give room to agressiveness ... or does it? :karate:

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People fight out of anger,being hurt,to defend themselves,disrespect for others,lack of confidence,immaturity,to be mean,missunderstanding others,racism,drug and alcohol abuse,and from constantly seeing and getting abuse within their own household(physically,menatlly or sexually) etc.these are only a few reasons for violence in this world.


There's also fighting in war due to difference of political views,difference of religion(which makes absolutely no sense),oil,peace,power,and revenge.


There's many reasons why people fight,we're all animals (homosapiens) and like other animals it's in our blood to fight,it's unfortunate but true.


When I was younger I always fought to defend myself from the school bullies,out of anger and getting hurt.


Fighting is stupid unless put in a situation where there is no other alternative but to fight in order to defend yourself or fighting in the ring.

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Like MuayThai Fighter said, I think abuse is often a big part of it. People who see a lot of violence in their homes from their parents most likely often don't develop those "boundaries"... they don't acquire that little voice in their head that says, "Don't hit that person... it's wrong." As far as they're concerned it's all pretty commonplace. Not only that, but seeing their parents, their models for becoming human, using violence to "solve" their conflicts... that becomes what they know. They don't learn other techniques for handling problems that arise.


That doesn't really explain where violence comes from though does it :). Violence comes from violence? Chicken and the egg? Who knows.


Like I said earlier... I think fear and its offspring can be found at the root of most of it.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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I would have to say that people fight because they are not perfected in love. And, i will stop there or this may turn from a karate discussion and into a religious one.
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Philosophy 101 :D


"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."



"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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Philosophy 101 :D


"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."




I agree with what you say,but I do have to question this,don't you mean the ignorant fight to lose?I don't find anything ignorant about wanting to win.


Sometimes a person has no choice but to fight in order to defend themselves and I'd rather win then get the crap kicked out of me.It would be stupid to fight and want to lose,in that case why even bother defending yourself?

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There could be a lot of philosophical rambling here, but I guess the facts in real life are more simple: don't get into trouble, try to avoid conflict till the last moment, but once the situation gets too hot, strike hard and do your best to escape alive and if possible with little injury.


You don't have to pick up fights, but when threatened, your person and well being come first ... i think :karate:

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