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For what reasons do people fight?

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That's a pretty big question, and no one has an answer.


Ingrained responses from back when we had to fight for survival (Rousseau says so)? Corruption by society (Hobbes says so)? General meanness? Stupidity? Who knows?



Chris Tessone

Brown Belt, Kuk Sool Won

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Threats, people respond to threats in one of two ways. Either they submit, or they fight (not necessarily physically, ignoring a threat or matching someone's insult are also fighting against a threat).




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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The following reasons are why I used to fight :


I felt intimidated & scared and wanted to reverse it.


I felt I couldn't win the verbal argument, or I'd lost it, so I'd resort to violence.


I wanted to prove I was tough.


I wanted to try a technique, so I'd look for an excuse to start a fight and try a technique.


I wanted to impress people.. That seems so foolish now..


I wanted to 'shut' someone's mouth.


I was trying to be the macho guy..


I was sick of being walked over and wanted to be known as someone who wouldn't be walked over easily.


I felt I had a reputation that I had to keep..


The main reason I would fight was because


I felt they were in the wrong with what they were doing and hitting them was okay because I'd been 'conditioned' when I was younger that if I misbehaved, I'd be hit.


I'm also protective when it comes to my close friends.. an attack on my close friends is an attack on me as far as I'm concerned, especially on a lady. But, 'friends' that wouldn't stick for me, or haven't stuck for me in the past, I wouldn't stick for if the situation arised.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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:wave: People fight because they are stupid.

cho dan TSD

"Every second that you are not training, someone somewhere is training to kick your butt"- Kyo Sa Lyle (my instructor)

"Where we going in 5 months?!?!?!" "Cali!!"

-Spring Break '04

"Life begins at 130 mph".

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Good question. I think all of the above can be summed up in NECESSITY. People fight because of necessity. Let me explain. Humans tend to do whatever is most necessary to them(their personal view) at any given moment. Thus it is necessity that governs choice. Whether your reason lies behind fear, defense, stupidity, etc. the reason remains that you fought at that moment because you felt it the most necessary thing to do at that moment. On the other hand, NECESSITY is the same governing factor behind running. Choosing to run vs fight depends on what you view as necessary at that given moment.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Thats a Dumb question... thats a big question


I dont want to right those things..



Kempo dude says: Stand up show me what you got, im black belter in kempo, im a Kempo champ. lets see who will win!

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