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My first promotion!

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Well tomorrow I promote to yellow belt, I know it isn't much but I feel great about it. Last night we did our red tip test which was cool. If the promotion is anything like that then I will certainly be breaking another big sweat.


The first things we went over as a whole class were blocks, then horizontel and verticle punches. We then all sat at the back while each group of belts went up to perform thier kata's.


My group was first. We had to perform Taikyoku Shodon, Nidan, and Sondon. I love Kata's, I think they are my strongest area.


After all Kata's were performed we did Stances which included Horse, Black belt stances and Worrior stances.


We then moved on to self defense. For our belt we did Halting Ram and Halting Mace. The higher belts peformed thier Belt level defense.


Next we performed basic front, round and hook kicks.


We then finally ended with our favorite showtime kicks.


It was exerting, I'm guessing just because I was concentrating so much on doing things the proper way, After all my teacher always says if it feels comfortable then you arn't doing it right.


Anyways I hope you guys dont mind me posting this, there just isn't to many people I know that I can discuss these things with so thanks.


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uh... you did all of that for your yellow belt? lol nice, well makes ours seem like a walk in the park... what are halting ram and halting mace? im guessing its a sort of stop to an attack but how does one execute it?

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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Thanks guys.


Halting Ram is a defensive move so when someone charges at you to tackle you to the ground you would stop them by extending your arms strieght out to stop them. Then you would grasp the back of the neck and and pull him down and give 3 knee's to the chest or face, alternating each knee each time.


Halting Mace is when someone throws a hook punch or round house punch, whichever you wanna call it. Before the punch lands of course you would use your forward arm to meet the punch at his wrist and your back arm at his shoulder area at the same time. After you would move your arm that is on his shoulder to the back of his neck and pull him down into a knee to the chest or groin, you would then move both hands to the back of his neck and put your other knee to his face while pushing him away and toward the ground.


I hope those make sense to you guys, it's kinda hard to type these explanations lol.


BlackBelt stance I'm sure everyone knows, but it's probly just reffered differently. It's kinda like horse except your front foot is pointing forward in the direction you are looking while your back foot points directly to the side, kinda like a 90 degree angle. While doing this you would be as low as possible with your forward arm extended out in a chopping to the neck position and your other arm at chest level.[/b]


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ah.... we call them back stances or kokutsu dachi (i hope for my sake im right >_< just trying to remember off the top of my head)

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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ah.... we call them back stances or kokutsu dachi (i hope for my sake im right >_< just trying to remember off the top of my head)

That is the picture I got as well. Thanks.

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