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defeating obstacles


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when people insult me or make fun of me i take it to heart. How can i just not let it affect me.

Also i have this habbiat i think people are taking bad about me, when actually there not. how can i change my mind set?

how can i change from a negative mentality to a postive.


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I believe you just need to come to peace with the fact that no matter what you do, think, say, look like, ANYTHING there will always be more people that hate you for it than there will be that like you for who you are or can respect you. Once you've really come to peace with that, things people say about you won't bother you as much. But that doesn't mean don't redraw your lines. Always remember to defend your honor when necessary. For example: I let people be jerks and insult my martial arts, my writing, the fact that I don't do sports or anything. I let them say pretty much anything they want to me. But the second they start talking about my parents, or call me a name because of my religion, that's when bones get broken.

So basically, you just have to come to peace with the fact that no matter who you are people will say and think things about you. It's human nature to a degree. Once you do that, you won't care as much what they say, and if you can't tell if they're really saying anything, you won't care much anyway. Which will eventually lead to you not thinking about it anymore.

Do you understand everything I just said?

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The BB of C is right. No matter how nice you are, there is always going to be those who don't like you. You just have to let it go. You will get used to it in time.

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