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My first tournament experience

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This is probably gonna be kinda lengthy so please forgive me. I have my green belt at this time and competed in my first open tourny 2 weekends ago. I think it went well and I think I did ok. I competed against 5 other guys, all of them were higher ranking than me and they were all MUCH bigger than me. I am 30 years old, 5'7" around 200lbs. The smallest guy that I competed against was 6'3" and around 180lbs. I think the hardest part I delt with at the tourny was that in my class that I practice at, its myself and about 4-5 other teenagers (13-15 years old) that take with me so I'm use to being the bigger, stronger, faster person. Dont get me wrong the teens I take with are good but Im just more developed physically than they are. My instructor is having alot of problems with his kness which prohibits him from fighting with me so I spar against the kids in the class. Our reach is all about the same or either mine is longer. In the tourny, it was very difficult in fighting someone new with such a LONG reach that I wasnt use to, but I came out 3rd in kata and 3rd in fighting, so I guess I did ok. I also went to a school this past weekend that was having an open house. The instructor at that school and my instructor are very good friends and we like to support each other. We did a little fighting and it was myself and 5-6 other guys and they were all in there 30's and they all had their black belts and were VERY good in fighting. I got a real eye opener with fighting these guys (and got my butt kicked a little.. :) ), but I also gained ALOT of experience and they showed me alot of new techniques and I also realize how much work I need to do but I do wish I had someone that was taller and stronger than me to practice kumite with....but I'll do the best I can. I guess theres really no point in my ranting...only wanted to share... :D I would like to train more at the class I went to but its over 2 hours in driving and with my work schedule theres not way to do it frequently......

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

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ask the kids to beat on you during sparring if your instructor will allow it, it will require you do get a higher level of defence and counter or else you get hit and it hurts.

That might help, i thought of it on the spot... if you don't have someone with more advantages than you, just crank it up a notch :D

good luck and well done in ure tourney

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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Congratulations! First time is always an eye-opener. Is there any chance you can also train somewhere else, against bigger and older opponents?

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Congrats on your accomplishments! :karate:

It sounds like you are stuck in kind of a similar situation with your training as is mentioned in this thread: http://www.karateforums.com/how-to-improve-vt30977.html

Even though it may be tough, try to get training sessions in with those other students as often as you can. Even if it is every other weekend, traveling, try it.

Keep at it, and you will continue to improve.

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Thank ya'll for your comments. The next closest facility is around 1 hour away. I unfortunatlly got divorced about 4 months ago...and I have joint custody of my 3 yr old son, so my time is spent in several different directions but Im gonna see what I can do....Thanks again.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

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Thank ya'll for your comments. The next closest facility is around 1 hour away. I unfortunatlly got divorced about 4 months ago...and I have joint custody of my 3 yr old son, so my time is spent in several different directions but Im gonna see what I can do....Thanks again.

It is tough to make it all work, sometimes. Remember your priorities, and everything else can fall into place.

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