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Video of me..

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Hi yall, I´ve been looking around at this forum for some time now, just registered today tough.

Anyways, theres a video of me doing som techniques, a combination of full contact and pointkarate techniques... I´ve only been doing karate for 6 months so its not flawless in any way.. but still.

Feel free to put forward critique. However dont mind my friend that keeps pointing his finger to the camera :lol:

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if you wanna do MMA, or competitions, you should be keeping your guard up more. if i was fighting you, you'd be asking me to hit u 1 like that

Also, for kicking, don't 'step in' then kick, slide your back foot.

keep practicing

Willing - Believing - Achieving

Orange Belt: Freestyle/Sport Karate - Kickboxing - Boxing

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Hello, You have some nice kicks and move pretty good and not bad speed too!

For guys/gals with long legs (those that can reach the ground) ....kicking or using the legs will be your better weapons, especially for keeping the attackers away.

Everyone will improve if they keep on practiceing and training harder each time.

Let the legs fly............Aloha

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Kicks look pretty good to me especially if you've only been doing it 6 months. You telegraph most of your moves though. With your punches you sorta jump forward and then go forward again to hit... and with your kicks, if you wanna step then kick they gotta be faster otherwise your opponent will see it a mile off. Practice will sort that out :karate: . Looking good.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Thanks for sharing the video...

For it only being 6 months of training it looks like you are on the right track.

My only suggestion is that whether you are hitting a bag, or doing a drill always keep your hands up like you are in a fight.

A good quote I always keep in mind is "you will fight how you train".

Keep up the good work..

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You hit fairly hard and get your kicks high. Try using that shin bone instead of your instep for the weapon on your round kick. You may like it better - more Thai-like. :)

Keep it up and welcome to the forums!

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Welcome to the Forums! :karate:

Things I noticed:

Foremost, what about your left side? I saw a lot of right side techniques, but not many left side ones. Use both sides equally.

Your punches looked good, technique wise, but I would try to penetrate more. Also, try doing them while standing still.

Your side kick technique looked good, but when you hit a bag like that, make sure that you are still going forward when you hit the bag, and not falling backwards, like you were. Drive the kick through, and behind, the bag. You won't hurt your partner...that is why the bag is there. :)

Also, after you finish a technique, really concentrate on what you do after it, as far as where you set your foot down, and what your body does. Don't just practice the technique, but practice what happens after the technique....like sitting down in front in your fighting stance, ready for the next move.

I liked the video, and keep up the good work!

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I agree alot with what bushido man said. You are doing a great job at yellow belt by the way. Remember to always keep your guards up. Try not to look at the bag as being your target, instead look through and past the bag. Hit as though you are trying to go through that bag and hit the man holding it. He will be OK. Nicely done anyways, and way to go with asking others to critique you. Criticism is hard for some people take, but by doing so, you will become very good at the Martial Arts.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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First off keep your hands up. You're gonna eat it hard if you don't bring up that guard.

Another thing I noticed is that every kick you threw was off your right leg. Which tells methat your lead side is weak.

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