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Just something I've been thinking about:

If in a self defense situation where it was necessary to knock the other person out or seriously injure them, what do you afterwards?

Do you just leave them and run as fast as you can out of there? Or do you stay and call an ambulance etc. and help stop any bleeding?

If there was no-one else around (like in a dark alley or something) and my attacker was alone, I'd feel pretty bad about leaving them there but I don't think I'd want to stay. Do you also go straight to a police station or do you go home to safety and ring up? Even then what do you say to the police?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated :D

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Good question.

If it is possible, and no one else will attack you, calling for help would probably weigh heavily in your favor. Depending on the injury, you may have an obligation to call them in, so keep that in mind. If there are others around, then most likely, police have already been contacted, so wait around until they get there to give them a statement.


I agree. If it's safe, you actually have the responsibility to stay and render aid. It'll weigh in your favor when you're in court. Send a passerby for help and stay with the guy.(Makes you think that maybe you should know what to do to give first aid after a confrontation)

This again with a big mention to the fact that it needs to be safe. You don't want the guy coming to and going at you again.

There's no place like


I recommend going immediately to a public place and calling 911 or other authorities from there. No reason to hang out with someone who might wake up and attack again.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.


I recommend going immediately to a public place and calling 911 or other authorities from there. No reason to hang out with someone who might wake up and attack again.

Agreed, the first thing you should do is leave the scene. If you are forced to defend yourself and cause enough damage to a person that they require medical assistance, there should be a good reason for it(immediate danger to your life, family etc). If you feel the need to help them out, call an ambulance when you are far enough away from danger.

From a legal point of view your not doing yourself any favours by sticking around to give a statment to the police. Shortly after the situation you are likely to be suffering from a number of adrenaline induced symptoms. These range can include light headedness, time distortion, memory lapse, vomiting, the urge to talk lots. None of these things are going to help you in making an accurate or objective statment to the cops.

A few months later when court day arrives your whole argument is going to rely on the statement, now you have had time to remember certain things about what happened and how the situation really went down the original statment doesnt seem so accurate anymore.

So to run or stay? Only you can make the call based on the situation, but keep in mind that while it may seem honourable to stay and help a person even after they have attacked you, its probably not in your best interest. You are more likely to spend the night in jail if the cops show up, more likely to be seen by the attackers friends(leaving room for revenge attacks) and less likely to be removing yourself from immediate danger.


speaking from my 'own experience'

I was mugged with a 'baseball bat' and spent time in hospital. If it happened again and defended myself successfully, i would leave them on the floor in a pool of their own vomit.

I have no time for people who go around hitting people for no reason. I would not help them in any way.

This may seem harsh but if its happened to you, your views on this subject weigh heavily against any honorable intentions to your attackers needs.

Wing chun helps you find the path to ones inner strength. I am getting stronger

'''First in First served''....''Mike Walsh''' 6'th Dan.R.I.P sensie



What you say makes sense, cross. I have some cop friends that I will address the scenario to. It isn't like leaving the scene of an injury accident, I don't think. But, I don't know if any other charges would come up. You could get charged with aggravated assault, if you hurt them bad enough to be taken to the hospital.

  DWx said:
Just something I've been thinking about:

If in a self defense situation where it was necessary to knock the other person out or seriously injure them, what do you afterwards?

Do you just leave them and run as fast as you can out of there? Or do you stay and call an ambulance etc. and help stop any bleeding?

If there was no-one else around (like in a dark alley or something) and my attacker was alone, I'd feel pretty bad about leaving them there but I don't think I'd want to stay. Do you also go straight to a police station or do you go home to safety and ring up? Even then what do you say to the police?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated :D

I made an ethnics code for myself to help control my martial arts in a conflict. I also strongly encourage people to try it too. Anyway, it's written in my signature. Notice the "Preservance of human life"? That means that in a conflict I don't do anything that could cause permanent damage. My goal is to inflict a great amount of pain on my opponent without really damaging. I feel that if, as a normal civillian (not a politician, soldier, lawer, or law enforcement officer) if you permanently injure someone trying to do the same to you, even in self-defense, you're no better than them. Returning to the topic at hand; after they're in too much pain to continue, perhaps if it was really bad under my style they'd have a broken arm or dislocated joint, I would see to it that they are treated and then punished rightly by the law for attempting to harm me.

  The BB of C said:
...That means that in a conflict I don't do anything that could cause permanent damage. My goal is to inflict a great amount of pain on my opponent without really damaging. I feel that if, as a normal civillian (not a politician, soldier, lawer, or law enforcement officer) if you permanently injure someone trying to do the same to you, even in self-defense, you're no better than them. Returning to the topic at hand; after they're in too much pain to continue, perhaps if it was really bad under my style they'd have a broken arm or dislocated joint, I would see to it that they are treated and then punished rightly by the law for attempting to harm me.

I would never want to seriously harm anyone either. But there's always the "what if" situation. The reason why I've been thinking about all this is because I'm a teenage girl and recently there's been a lot of sex attacks around where I go to college. One night a week I have to stay behind for an extra lesson and when I come out of the building its usually dark around this time of year. There's usually none or very few people around so I kinda feel vunerable :( . I hope nothing ever happens to me, but, if I felt threatened enough I wouldn't, (and probably couldn't) hold back. Even if it meant serious injury for the other person I would still do what I've been trained to do and defend myself at all costs using whatever it takes. :(

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius


DWx, the college has the responsibility to ensure your safety.

The night you are on campus late, call campus security.

They have to provide you an escort to your dorm or car.

It may take some time for them to get there to do this, but it is much safer than going it alone.

(This has to be provided when asked for anywhere college, food store, restaurant. If you ask, they say no, you get attacked and survive, you can sue, sue, sue)

When i was in college, my fraternity volunteered with the campus police to escort ladies around campus at night if they called security.

I would not put that much effort into what the consequences would be if someone is trying to rape\sexually attack you.

Its great to think about consequences, but consequences mean nothing if your dead!

by calling security, your martial arts :karate: is working effectively. i mean you have removed yourself from any potential harm that could have happened.

I hope this helped.

Keep safe.

Fear does not exist in this Dojo, does it! No Sensai!!!

Pain does not exist in this Dojo, does it! No Sensai!!!

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