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Student rambo ?!?!?!


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They are totally to blame. Every person is responsible for his or her actions. There are other ways to deal with bullies.



2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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  • 2 weeks later...

zulu - good point about the countryside.


Perhaps the difference is the way guns are viewed betwixt city and country. In the city it's something that makes you "hard" (ahem) and tough or gets you "respect" (tho' not true respect) whereas in the country you know that a gun is about killing things - usually for food or protection - and that means blood, bone, brains etc - much less glamourous. It's for a reason other than self-esteem or self-aggrandisement. Shooting paper targets and watching action films gives a person a different perspective to add to their weakness of character and simmering resentment towards life and decent people's society.




My karma will run over your dogma


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I was picked on in middle school, alot too. It got kind of excessive one day and I kicked 3 kid's asses who went to far and I have never been teased since. No one was seriously hurt BTW and now the other kids and I get a long fairly well.


P.S. My parents have split and my dad mentally abused me yet I have never thought about murdering anyone. Those kids were fvcked up because they were insane, not because of society. Deal with it.



Semper Fi

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  • 1 month later...

Bitseach, guns were a LOT more "casually available" years ago when school shootings were unheard of, and they were common in schools back then too. My grandpa took a rifle to school. They used to stand them in the corners of classrooms so they could hunt rabbits and squirrel on the way home.


My father's first handgun was a WWI-era M1911 .45. He bought it at the Tru-Value Hardware store uptown. He was 13 years old. No background check, no FOID card, no age limits, no waiting period and it cost $15 (considered cheap and abundant back then; those guns are $1000 collectors' items today when you can find one.)


The fool sold it a few years later for $50. But he feels positively good about that compared to the '59 Corvette with a built 327 that he sold when he married mom. :kaioken: Poor guy can't go to a car show without getting a little misty.


The point is, if the availability of guns had anything to do with school shootings, they would have been common 50 years ago and tapered off over the last five decades as we made it harder and harder and harder to get a gun.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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I don't recall a lot of Tech -9's kicking around 50 years ago. Plus attitudes were alot different 50 years ago, people were still getting over WW2 and Korea, with violence not being glamourized as much through television and movies. Kid wore "bobbie socks" and put grease in their hair to rebel.


Besides haven't you seen "The Outsiders" The *****in weapon was the good ole Switchblade!

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Exactly. Attitudes and beliefs are exactly what cause people to do things like this. Not the availability of guns.


Switchblades were never a big problem in the U.S. Much like full-auto machine guns and subguns and the much-maligned Tec-9, they were featured in a lot of movies because they looked sinister, and people reacted. The year that switchblades were banned in Illinois, there had been one death involving the use of one.


What does it matter what type of weapon was "kicking around?" A Tec-9 is no different from that 1911 dad had except that it's way too big and heavy for what it is, it fires an inferior cartridge, it's unreliable and it looks ugly or sinister. That's all. They're both semi-automatic handguns. To tell the truth, Tec-9's are junk anyway. But assuming you got the perfect Tec-9, meaning it will fire at least the entire magazine without a jam, there is nothing you can name that makes it "better" or "more dangerous" than a surplus 1911.


Have you ever even fired a Tec-9 or an AB-10?




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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