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Student rambo ?!?!?!


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I want to know what you, guys and girls, think about those students who are going into schools with a gun and shoot people.


From my point of view, they are not to blame.


We should blame our society.






Come on, this is the subject that we have to discuss.....

Wing Chun Kung Fu (Yip Man) and

Kali (Pekiti Tersia) martial artist

(no belts needed)

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The kids don't have to pick up a gun, when you get down to it they made that choice themselves, no one made it for them. No matter what pressures they were under nothing excuses murder.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Ca va, Mo,


I disagree completely. All teenagers rebel to a greater or lesser extent and all are frustrated with the world and their position in it. Protests are plenty but these student multiple murderers (I shall not trivialise them by calling them Rambos) decide that in their protest they will kill other, innocent people. This is not society's fault (except perhaps that there are too many guns casually available) but theirs. They chose to make their protest in the most selfish way possible and they show their immaturity and lack of worth to the society they choose to reject. It's just a stupid childish temper tantrum, but with a gun. They're pathetic.




My karma will run over your dogma


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The whole society blaming thing is getting very old... It is a scapegoat... Personally I think the damn kids parents should teach them right and wrong, then they would know not to even think of bringing a gun to school in the first place. Instead the parents are busy working, or out partying ignoring their own children.



Do unto others, as they done to you.

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I agree with guys and girls that those kids have to be ****ed in hte head to kill their buddies.


BUT, you have to go further by asking yourself : why he's so ****ed ?


I blame society because it's his responsability to teach to kids respect between one another.


All the kids who killed in the way we are discussing, were rejected by others students and were alone in their psychose.


Being rejected and not being recognized as a person like everybody are really really .... depressing and hurting.


i'll stop there for today !!



Wing Chun Kung Fu (Yip Man) and

Kali (Pekiti Tersia) martial artist

(no belts needed)

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True, and I'd be sympathetic to the depressed teenaged student who felt undervalued UNTIL they picked up the gun. Then they deserve all they get and confirm themselves as losers. Life is cruel to all of us at points in our lives - the difference is that most of us do not decide to kill other people to make ourselves feel better. Nobody's fault but theirs, once they pick up that gun.


Don't most schools have personal tutors and counsellors these days anyway? (certainly in London they seem to) Or aren't there helplines such as the Samaritans (again possibly just in the UK) and suchlike? There is ALWAYS help available if they can be bothered looking for it. They can't.




My karma will run over your dogma


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I didn't go to school today because there's a lot of work and I'm lazy..


I didn't do my homework because I didn't understand it, the teacher didn't explain it properly..


I didn't complete that project the boss wanted on Friday because he didn't tell me exactly what he wanted...


I hit him because he was picking on me...


I shot them because the world's so harsh, not to mention cruel and I don't want to be responsible...





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Well I think it is just stupid to go to a school and kill people.


First it well ruin your life becuase you well be charged with murder.


Second you probably well go to jail for a long


time or sentenced to death.


Third you wont get a job (well maybe a few but thats it)


So i don't see whats so good about it.


But we should also not treat others bad or make fun of themm becuase things like this well happen that are bad.



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Adolescence what a time, yeah it's a very difficult period for almost everyone. I view these shootings as an enviorenmental cause and of course a recent phenomenon. First, the teenage brain isn't completley developed teh frontal lobe which is responsible for executive funtion (planning and consequences) is not yet developed thus the impulsivity you see across the board in all teenagers in all contries. this comes into play when the morals and expectations of the young person aren't instilled through society. Let's face it we see the majority of these incidents as well as drug dealing and other more major offenses occur in city schools (actually where guns are less accessible vs. rural areas where a large percentage hunts) i view this as happening here because these kids don't feel accountable to anyone but themselves and close group of like minded friends. No or very limited adult supervision/responsibility, no communal standards (eg. Mrs Johnson, neighbor) to help along the way. they really aren't counted or valued as citizens at that young age they are really sort of on their own. Also, any infractions at that young age are a slap on the wrist, which just emboldens them, until they're 18 then into the pokey and learning how to be a more sophisticated criminal. yes it's horrible and they ruin their lives nad the worst part is they didn't even get a chance to experience life yet, what a bummer with only adolescent memories to look back on. I rambled, but it's just such a difficult question. i see the answer in communal standards, unfortunately not rewarded in US living styles.

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