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It isn't an insult if I call myself that right?

Anyways ^.^ I am Athena nice to meet you all

I have been very interested in martial arts for many years now.

My story is sort of funny. At least to me. It all started with samurai Jack O.O

That got me interested in samurai/anime and that got me interested in japan in general. Now, Im the type of person that studies what they happen to be interested in at the time. ^.^;;

So I studied japan,wich lead to my study of martial arts. So then i took a break from that, but then I watched karate kid. A great movie, I wound up watching more of the movie series. :P

Anyways, then I studied not only japan again but Okinawa and even china. In my study hours, I have found and studied a bunch of different martial arts. I eventually decided to train myself. Self training, not only by exploring the possibilities of motion myself, but watching some movies. Yes that did help actually..

So...it's been nearly 5 or 6 years O.o and I am finally starting to peice together my own style, after look at each style that I could and experimenting with that. I now have the base for my own style but...It has no name XD

Anyways..that is my story..as to how the heck I got here. I was looking up "How can I make My own martial arts style?" on ask.com

(also..I took a little bit of wrestling so XP)

There, now you know about me ^.^ what about you?

Strike first. 'Til then i will not fight you.

Everytime someone calls JKD a style, Bruce turns over.

Why do I love Bruce Lee? Not because he was an awesome martial artist- but because his train of thought overlapped with mine even before I knew about him.

Thank you karate forums, for introducing me to Bruce Lee

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Welcome aboard. :)


If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him. You must thoroughly research this. - Musashi


Thank you ^.^

Strike first. 'Til then i will not fight you.

Everytime someone calls JKD a style, Bruce turns over.

Why do I love Bruce Lee? Not because he was an awesome martial artist- but because his train of thought overlapped with mine even before I knew about him.

Thank you karate forums, for introducing me to Bruce Lee


Welcome to KF! My daughter is into anime and Asian arts as well. I recognize your emoticons because she uses them, too. You own style sounds sort of like Jeet Kune Do.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.


Welcome to KF. :)

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi


Welcome to the forums.

There's no place like


Perhaps baron...but I've never really got a good description on jeet kune do

I HAVe however seen a video of bruce lee doing some kicks and stuff and then telling people to "be water" -.-;;; don't get me wrong though, I like the concept of "being water"

I don't have many kicks in my style though...not many at all ^.^;; it's more of a close combat sort of thing..i can give a better description somewhere else..hmmm

Strike first. 'Til then i will not fight you.

Everytime someone calls JKD a style, Bruce turns over.

Why do I love Bruce Lee? Not because he was an awesome martial artist- but because his train of thought overlapped with mine even before I knew about him.

Thank you karate forums, for introducing me to Bruce Lee

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