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Adjusting other MA katas...


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I am an orange belt at Shotokan, and I'd like to experiment with this MA a little. So I was wondering: Can I take katas from other MAs and adjust them to Shotokan by changing the moves to the closest ones there are at Shotokan? Will it help me at all? Will it cause any trouble in my training (messing up my teckniques, overflowing my memory and forgetting the essencial Shotokan Katas etc)? Is it even possible? And what if I adjust Katas from other Karate styles, such as Shito-Ryu?

Also, I already know Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yodan and Tekki Shodan (but not Heian Godan). If there is no problem of me trying out the above idea, is it better to try it now or to wait some time to improve some more and then do it?

I'm open to suggestions.

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Taking katas from other systems and adjusting them to how you would perfer to do it (as Shotokan as you mention) shouldn't throw you off too much. In fact this is often how and why the same katas in other systems are performed differently. For example, the katas you listed here:

Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yodan and Tekki Shodan (but not Heian Godan)
are known as the Pinan katas and Naihanci rather than Tekki in the Shorin-Ryu style. I've even seen the same Pinan katas done differently between the different branches of Shorin-Ryu.

As to whether it will help you or not, in all honesty I can't see how it would hurt unless you overwhelm yourself with different katas or try to adapt in other techniques you're not used to performing. And it might just even open your eyes to effective technique combinations that you hadn't thought of before.

If you're up to the task, I say give it a shot--as long as you take it nice and slow and give your primary focus to your Shotokan training I don't really think you'll have anything to lose.

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If it makes you happy do it. Styles have taken techniques and kata from others and re-done them in the past. Of course these were highly trained people who did that. But, I see no reason you can't do it. It is a learning opportunity. You may find later that the techniques you changed might be better used in a different way...more like originally learned.

Again, if it makes you happy do it. I have toyed with such an experiment too in the past.

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Hello, From what I understand. Shotokan kata's are very traditional.

Each Sensi will have there version on this. You should NOT change the Kata's form.

Only time you will be allow to change it is, IF your Sensi allows it. or you are allow to form your own Kata's.


In time? ...you will understand why Kata's were made, and how it does not apply to REAL fighting.

Kata's is just a training excercise to teach you the fundamentals of your techniques.


When you become a Black belt or a Sensi....than one might be able to change the forms. (if the organzition allows it).

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Hello, One more thing. An orange belt does not have the experience and knowledge to be making and understanding of the kata's princlple ideas/

When you have been training for a large number of years....and is experience in the movements and techniques in the Kata's (it many purposes).......and have a better understanding on this.

Then you may create your own version's ...........Just my thoughts on this! .......Aloha

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It's not so bad to do, even at lower levels because it makes you think about the moves and what could be substituted. As long as you're not teaching the modified kata, or using it for tournament, just doing them for your own study shouldn't cause any harm. Just remember that you're building habits that might be difficult to break if you ever decide to get into the art that you're borrowing the kata from.

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It's not so bad to do, even at lower levels because it makes you think about the moves and what could be substituted. As long as you're not teaching the modified kata, or using it for tournament, just doing them for your own study shouldn't cause any harm. Just remember that you're building habits that might be difficult to break if you ever decide to get into the art that you're borrowing the kata from.

I agree. Doing something that facilitates thinking and open-mindedness in the martial arts is very important. If you want to make changes, just make sure that you have good reasons.

From what I understand in your initial post, you want to do katas from one style with the methods of doing techniques in another style. Is that the gist of it?

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Hello, When learning from a master.....you, the beginner sometimes think they KNOW alot just because they move up in rank, and have been training for awhile.

Yes alot of martial artist who train for a few years....begin to think they know it all.

It takes years to master alot of the techniques and to make it flow in action.

Your Sensi show you a Kata and expect you to one day to master it , in it's present form.


Any one can throw a punch. Does it have to be done right? NO!

But to hit with maxium power and proper body techniques will take a long time to learn. You must use the right breathing, the right muscles and the right time to relax to tense. Hip rotations, lifting on the ball of the feet (both sides), turning of the shoulders, to learn to punch thru the tarket.

and to do this all the time. Can you figure what is your proper breathing and relaxing part of the body use? What muscles are use and if you can use the rigth muscles at the right time? with every punch?

You will hear the term (it take's a life time to master just one technique) or to be perfect everytime......for every movement,techniques,breath...

Just to master a turn with the proper skills.....and muscles,breaths,power, speed,balance,....just to make this perfect? ....all the time? ....most of never will....BUT that is goal...perfections!

Does a orange belt have the right? and knowledge to make changes in the KATA's?


Many of you will not understand what I am trying to say...that is OK

In time your opinions may or may not change as you progress in your training and art.

Our beliefs comes from our Sensi's and How we were taught.

Home runs comes NOT from just strenght..but when every part of the body and bat gets it PERFECT. ( the right connections).


Making this story real short. In china a young master wanted to fight and old master who in his younger days was the best around.

The young master wanted to fight this old man to prove he was better.

One day the young master cornor the old man in a restauant. The young man went to attack the Old master. The old master just duck...one punch to the solor plexes.

Today the young master is paralize from the wrist down. The Old man just use a perfect technique to break the back bones of the young master.

It is not about strenght..but proper and perfect body controls....Aloha

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Just my two cents worth....

An orange belt needs to be concentrating on the existing materials taught by his instructor. I highly doubt that Kain has perfected his (her?) existing material to the point where he can consider experimenting with other styles' katas.

IMO, until he is brown or preferably black belt he needs to focus on the materials that he is taught to the best of his ability, doing many repetitions over and over, and once he has developed the skill and understanding that only time and hard work can provide, then he will have achieved a level of perspective to "adapt" other kata.

Kain, though I applaud your desire to better understand karate, at orange belt you simply don't know enough about your style to "adapt" other kata to Shotokan. Ask your sensei what he/she thinks, and I'll bet you get a similar answer. In fact, you should have asked him before you asked us.

With respect,


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