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The banning of nunchakas


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Yup, once we rolled over and allowed them to outlaw our guns, there was no stopping them. You should have seen the "Violence in the Workplace" class we were herded into a while ago. We were supposed to be afraid of the following people: martial artists, gun owners, people who read "Soldier of Fortune," loud boisterous people (trying to intimidate you), quiet people (plotting to kill you), and on and on and on. I finally couldn't take any more and walked out. I got credit for finishing the class anyway. :karate: And the crowning joke: while our instructor (I use the term loosely), didn't bother to cite her source so I couldn't check her figures, she said something like 2100 people were murdered at work in 1996. I found a Department of Labor statistic that said there were approximately 120,000,000 workers in the U. S. in 1999. As near as I can figure, this means your chances of being murdered at work are somewhat less than your chances of being struck by lightning on the 4th of July while carrying an Easter bunny, although somewhat higher than your chances of being attacked by a ninja who mistakes you for Rurouni Kenshin while you are having a picnic with Samurai Jack. While this is good news for the taxi drivers and convenience-store clerks among us, it means that "Violence in the Workplace" class was a terrible waste of money as well as a time. Why have a class on something so unlikely to happen?


Whoever asked about the U. S. gov't: it's pretty dysfunctional, in my opinion. Our taxes are pretty high but we get very little in return. We put up with a lack of service that would have Europeans rioting in the streets.

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kind of ridiculous... hope they didnt ban u from school for ur chopsticks :D


actually we were talking about the UK, where the nunchaku is going to be forbidden. the usa are something completely different.

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well, our government is pretty dysfunctional, but i wouldn't say our taxes aren't getting us anything. the problem is the government has poured probably over a third of our budget into military, most of which kept secret, so we never even get to hear about what our tax dollars are going towards, much less see it, much less care. but i was reading some of the writings of john locke and thomas hobbes, and it's kind of funny that america hasn't turned out at all like the framers have planned... to much corruption and scandal and all around waisted money. :(

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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i agree with all of u especialy BlueDragon1981 i mean come on, ever object can b used as a deadly weapon, nunchucku are no more dangerouse than the person wielding them, i mean, come on, only someone with enough experience can wield them with out hurting themselves at one point or another. Also as i said b4 all things can b used as weapons, keys, pens, pencils, rulers, books, stools, chairs, coins, absolutly anything can b used as an offencive weapon, the uk just has bullsh*t laws, the goverment are too blind to c the true potential of MA and so when ever they find sumone missusing what they have been taught the publish it in newspapers and so bringing shame to the MA community

Yours In Budo

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