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Types of Instructors?

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Yeah, I like the Coach for the encouragement. But we all need a little Drill Sargent to push us to become more than we are now.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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  • 1 month later...
An instructor has to be a good medium. You have to be firm when needed, keep the training an enjoyable experiance for all, be tentive to your students ability so you can correct their tech. or form when needed and praise them when they improve. You have to be a mentor and a roll model. I do my best to be all of these things.

2nd Dan Hap Ki Do: What we do in life echos for an eternity!

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We all learn differant from each other so one may work for me and not for you.


Weakness of each


DS - Runs a lot of people off to harsh


NG - No one gets the point about how serious it is.


Coach - Just depends they ofter change from NG to DS and people don't know how to take them.


Respected - If your not social its hard to keep people arround.


I personally try and bring all 4 together. I would say I am more a Coach than any. However durring class and in Football Practice espically I get in the DS mode espically after you screw up over and over and over and over. Take me a while to get to that point but I can. Like someone else siad Im a nice guy before and after class big time joker and I think you have to be respected or nothing will work. To my knowledge I have never lost a student due to the fact they did not like me as a teacher or did not learn from me.



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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i tihnk that our kickboxing sempai is more of a drill sargent with a hint of a coach. but my jujitsu sensei is more coach and less drill sargent and hes cool. he doesnt take messing around but can have a joke and is respected because of it. good combaination.



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  • 7 months later...
A lot of you people have the wrong idea about DIs. Movies and TV glorify them as in your face hard-arses, but they are not. They attempt to push you beyond your normal level of performance by reproducing some of the types of stress that my be found on a field of battle. If a recruit is pushed too hard the DI sees that his or her recruit gets the proper attention. After proving themselves, the DI sometimes opens up to the students on a somewhat personal level. DIs are the ultimate teachers.
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