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Types of Instructors?

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Which type of instructor do you think is most effective? I came up with some examples of Types of instructors...if you can think of other types of instructors, please add to this list!


Types of Instructors:


Drill Sargent=Strict, Yells out orders, Never smiles, works his students excessively


Friend=Mr. Nice guy. Trys to be friends with all his students. Laid-back, cheerful


Coach=Constantly critiques, Provides Encouragement, motivates


Respected=Calm, quiet, says very little, intimidating, maintains symbolic Master image





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Without question the coach. There is such a thing as working too hard, and getting yelled at with no encouragement is hard on anyone. Being too laid back often means you don't learn anything, though. And the master type doesn't teach because he's too busy looking somber. :smile:



Chris Tessone

Brown Belt, Kuk Sool Won

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Yea I would vote for the coach too, hehehe. Provided that he is actually giving effective and beneficial constructive criticism and he really knows his stuff :smile: :smile:



'Conviction is a luxury for those on the sidelines'

William Parcher, 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND'

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I do a combination of al those ..an instructor a good one should be able to switch back and forth like a chameleon ..coach..drill instructor(which i am really referred to as) nice guy..and also after class I am your friend...the prankster..but during class I am mostly buisness :smile:



Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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Agreed. That's one thing I like about our instructors--they can really push us hard in the dojang, but afterwards we often go out to eat, cut up, joke around, etc. As long as you can maintain discipline in the dojang and still act that way outside it, it makes things much more comfortable for the student.



Chris Tessone

Brown Belt, Kuk Sool Won

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I think the most effective instructor, especially for children, is the coach who can either be a drill sargent or a friend depending on how disciplined and well behaved the class is. I also think that there should be a master instructor that might only teach black belts, this gives people more motivation to reach their black belts



expose yourself to your deepest fear;after that fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free-morrison

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