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Hi.....I have more experience in striking than grappling. I have noticed that you can play defense and counter attack in box , but In grappling, is more hard to counter attack.

When standing, I don´t know why , but I wait to be attacked and then I do my best.

Today , I sparred against a 220 lbs guy and I am about 190 -195 . He tried to do a double leg take down , but couldnt. Then , we went to the clinch ( about 15 seconds ). And he drove me to the flor when I lost my balance. He fell on me , and I lost because I could not breath with his chest on my face... I tried to roll , or change to the guard , but couldnt do that w/o air..... I had to surrender..........

I feel kinda bad about that....

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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Hi.....I have more experience in striking than grappling. I have noticed that you can play defense and counter attack in box , but In grappling, is more hard to counter attack.

When standing, I don´t know why , but I wait to be attacked and then I do my best.

Today , I sparred against a 220 lbs guy and I am about 190 -195 . He tried to do a double leg take down , but couldnt. Then , we went to the clinch ( about 15 seconds ). And he drove me to the flor when I lost my balance. He fell on me , and I lost because I could not breath with his chest on my face... I tried to roll , or change to the guard , but couldnt do that w/o air..... I had to surrender..........

I feel kinda bad about that....

Well for one, when engaging in a striking battle, you're more able to juke, bob, and weave from your opponent when he attempts to hit you. By missing and overextending himself, you're able to effectively counter attack.

Counter attacking in grappling, however, is nothing like striking on the feet. For one, if you're in a poor position (i.e. bottom mount) theres nothing for you to counter attack with. You're pinned and have few options. The best example of counter attacking in grappling is being able to string your moves together. In that sense, everyone that does submission wrestling is a counter attacker. (i.e. you attempt a triangle, your opponent defends and you switch to an omoplata).

In the true sense of being a counter "grappler" you're more likely to see this when people are wrestling off the feet. Often times, slower or older wrestlers will change from a more aggressive style to a more passive style (for obvious reasons). Counter attacks in the standup grappling aspect are much easier since both grapplers technically have a neutral position. An example would be someone who leaves his lead leg a little too far forward, so as to bait you for attacking with a single leg. Once you attack with a single leg, he's already kicking his leg through to the ground and countering with a solid hip throw attack.

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i know the guy was a lil bigger than u but sprauling is pretty much the best defense u can use against a take down. im 151lbs (not much fat) and my bro who trains in bjj is 235lbs (a lil more fat lol) and he has a hard time bringing me down

"Bushido is realized in the presence of death"

"TapouT or PassouT"

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Well, you said yourself that you aren't as experienced in grappling, so the answer can come through gaining experience. Keep working on it, and see what you can do to improve.

I am a terrible grappler as well, but I am working on my Hapkido again, in the hopes of gaining some knowledge of the stand up game, and eventually, the ground game.

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know the guy was a lil bigger than u but sprauling is pretty much the best defense

Yes...I did sprauling , but I went to the floor later ( not by the takedown), , after the clinch.

For one, if you're in a poor position (i.e. bottom mount) theres nothing for you to counter attack with

Yes , that was the case , I wasn´t mounted , but the big guy was on top ....plus I have my both knees damaged ( from the saturday training). I barely could move...

As bushido said .... I gotta try harder....But anyway...losing does not feel good...

I remember when I started boxing and Used to eat punches every time....with time I became at least decent :P

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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