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What's to many Black Belts?

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I recently went up on the website of the karate school I used to train at. In a photo of one of the tests there were 6 people that tested and 15 other black belts participating in the test. So, my question is, How many is to many black belts at one school especially if more than half is under 18?

In my opinion no one under 18 should hold yudansha. If they do it should be a rarity.

If I see that many black belts it makes me wonder what the requirements are and why?

I would have a good deal of concerns in this dojo.

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our black belt groups usually max at 4, with about 5 there to test them... and out of those four at least 2 (the last batch had all 4) quit right after getting their belt... so our numbers dont grow so much... but if they dont deserve their belts, then i guess its turned into a McDojo..... thats all there is to it

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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  • 4 weeks later...

theres never too many if they earned it.

the best fight is one that doesnt happen

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Hello, My old Shotokan Instructor said one night: I have been teaching for over 20 years...an only promote 7 people to black belt. (He move alot too) and his training was hard and hard style too.

Many people quit before reaching black belt...this is a common thing.

So many schools will have only a handful of them left. (for testing sometimes the teacher will ask past black belts that hardly train to help with the testing) or other same type schools to help out also..

One good sign of a school is many different colors belts (means people are staying and like the training) ...if only one color white? you gotta find out why?

and if too many Black belts...a flag should go up and say HOW COME?

It it too easy to get a black belt here?

When I was in College a International Karate school nearby advertise...Earn a black belt in ONE YEAR! ...just got to show and pay the money.

Always trust your instincts...if it does not feel right? ...most likely you are correct!

It is possible to have lots of Black belts too? ....trust your instincts....Aloha


One more thing..at our Kempo black belt testing (done only twice a year) we have many schools. All the head of schools who have students testing must be there. Plus All the top Instructors are ask to help our Professor with the testing. You will see nothing but black belts ,accept for those who are testing. All black belt testing is not open to the public and students not testing.

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It depends. Our club has been running a long time and we have quite a good retention rate, so within the next year or so we could theoretically have around 15 black belts. This is nothing to do with it being too easy to get the black either, we just make sure that we fully prep them before their grading (train them beyond what they need to show), and only put them forward when we feel they are completely ready.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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theres never too many if they earned it.

amen! anyways my sensei said is wasn't wise to quit training right after you get your black belt because it's at that level where you will truly understand your art.


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theres never too many if they earned it.

amen! anyways my sensei said is wasn't wise to quit training right after you get your black belt because it's at that level where you will truly understand your art.

I think that if you train to get a black belt, and then quit, then you are no longer a black belt. You were a black belt.

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I think that if you train to get a black belt, and then quit, then you are no longer a black belt. You were a black belt.

I agree, the martial arts is one of those things that has to be regularly practiced to be maintained.

There's no place like

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my school TKD, we have about 30 - 40 black belts. This is also acattered across 3 schools with about 100 total students. When we test, all three at once in 1 location, we do not know ow many Black belts will show. The last test was with about 400 total students. Following that test we broke up for the black belt tests (which I was one of and passed thank you). And they used about 15 black belts. 5 were performing the test, 4th degree and up, and the rest were for sparring and so on. I felt it helps to have a lot durng a test. For classes it helps that the Black belts assist the master and not teach for the most part. I learn so much just by helping the master and this is, as someone stated, the beginning of my jouney as a Black Belt.

February 24, 2007 I received my Black Belt in WTF TKD.

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